30 ILCS 720/6

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 30 ILCS 720/6 - Payment of grants to industrial development agencies
(a) Upon approval of each application and the making of a grant by the department in accordance therewith, the department shall give notice to the particular industrial development agency of such approval and grant, and shall direct the industrial development agency to proceed with its proposed promotional program as described in its application and to use therefor funds allocated by the industrial development agency for such purpose. Upon the furnishing of satisfactory evidence to the department, on a quarterly basis, that the particular industrial development agency has so proceeded, the grant allocated to such industrial development agency shall be paid over on such basis to the industrial development agency by the department.
(b) In furtherance of the intent of this Act, a local school district or community college may apply competitively and receive a grant from the Department under this Act for the acquisition of land, construction of facilities, and purchase of equipment, dedicated solely to the instruction of occupations in manufacturing. To be eligible under this subsection (b), a school district or community college shall, in addition to other industrial development agency requirements under this Act, demonstrate that it provides instruction leading to industry-based certificates or degrees, or both, and its application is supported in writing by not less than 15 local manufacturing employers for high schools or 25 manufacturing employers for community colleges.

30 ILCS 720/6

P.A. 76-1961.
Amended by P.A. 100-0679,§ 5, eff. 1/1/2019.