Section 25 ILCS 83/110-5 - Racial impact note Every bill which has or could have a disparate impact on racial and ethnic minorities, upon the request of any member, shall have prepared for it, before second reading in the house of introduction, a brief explanatory statement or note that shall include a reliable estimate of the anticipated impact on those racial and ethnic minorities likely to be impacted by the bill. Each racial impact note must include, for racial and ethnic minorities for which data are available:
(i) an estimate of how the proposed legislation would impact racial and ethnic minorities; (ii) a statement of the methodologies and assumptions used in preparing the estimate; (iii) an estimate of the racial and ethnic composition of the population who may be impacted by the proposed legislation, including those persons who may be negatively impacted and those persons who may benefit from the proposed legislation; and (iv) any other matter that a responding agency considers appropriate in relation to the racial and ethnic minorities likely to be affected by the bill. Amended by P.A. 102-0687,§ 27, eff. 12/17/2021.Added by P.A. 102-0004,§ 110-5, eff. 4/27/2021.