20 ILCS 3501/825-30

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 20 ILCS 3501/825-30 - Powers and Duties; Financing
(a) Upon application of the financial advisory authority established for a financially distressed city under Division 12 of Article 8 of the Illinois Municipal Code, the Authority shall have the power to issue its bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, the proceeds of which are to be used to make loans to a financially distressed city for purposes of enabling that city to restructure its current indebtedness and to provide and pay for its essential municipal services as determined in a manner consistent with Division 12 of Article 8 of the Illinois Municipal Code by the financial advisory authority established for that city under that Division 12.
(b) Bonds authorized to be issued by the Authority under Sections 825-20 through 825-60 shall be payable from such revenues, income, funds and accounts of the financially distressed city which receives a loan of any proceeds of the bonds so issued as the Authority shall determine and prescribe in the loan agreement.
(c) The Authority may prescribe the form and contents of any application submitted under subsection (a) of this Section and may, at its discretion, accept or reject such application or require such additional information as it deems necessary to aid in its review and determination of whether it will issue its bonds and loan the proceeds thereof as authorized under Sections 825-20 through 825-60.
(d) The amount of bonds issued or proceeds thereof loaned by the Authority with respect to an application which the Authority has approved shall be determined by the Authority.
(e) The financially distressed city receiving a loan under Sections 825-20 through 825-60 shall enter into a loan agreement in the form and manner prescribed by the Authority, and shall pay back to the Authority the principal amount of the loan, plus annual interest as determined by the Authority. The Authority shall have the power, subject to appropriations by the General Assembly, to subsidize or buy down a portion of the interest on such loans, up to 4% per annum.
(f) The Authority shall create and establish a debt service reserve fund to be maintained by a trustee separate and segregated from all other funds and accounts of the Authority. This reserve fund shall be initially funded by a contribution of State monies.
(g) The amount to be accumulated in the debt service reserve fund shall be determined by the Authority but shall not exceed the maximum amount of interest, principal and sinking fund installments due in any succeeding calendar year.

20 ILCS 3501/825-30

Added by P.A. 093-0205, § 825-30, eff. 1/1/2004.