20 ILCS 5/5-510
All appointments to boards, commissions, committees, and councils of the State created by the laws of this State and after July 1, 1992 shall be gender balanced to the extent possible and to the extent that appointees are qualified to serve on those boards, commissions, committees, and councils. If gender balance is not possible, then appointments shall provide for significant representation of both sexes to boards, commissions, committees, and councils governed by this Section and the Gender Balanced Appointments Act. If there are multiple appointing authorities for a board, commission, committee, or council, they shall each strive to achieve gender balance in their appointments.
Appointments made in accordance with this Section should be made in a manner that makes a good faith attempt to seek gender balance based on the numbers of each gender belonging to the group from which appointments are made.
20 ILCS 5/5-510