Section 15 ILCS 56/15 - Statewide Language Equity and Access(a) This Act is created to ensure meaningful access to State programs and resources for limited proficient (LEP) persons. This Act requires the Governor's Office of New Americans, with the support of the Department of Human Services and any other relevant agencies to, at a minimum: (1) prepare, based on available U.S. Census data, a Language Needs Assessment Report that identifies the languages spoken throughout the State as described in Section 25 of this Act;(2) assist State agencies in the creation of language access plans as detailed in Section 30 of this Act;(3) develop standards and a compliance framework to assess progress by State agencies, including both key performance indicators and mechanisms to track them;(4) provide annual reporting on State agency compliance and progress to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 31 of every year starting in 2026;(5) establish requirements for the availability of interpretation and translation services;(6) set standards for adequate staffing of bilingual employees at State agencies, including a methodology for monitoring implementation and updating the State Services Assurance Act and the Bilingual Employment Plan, based on the Language Needs Assessment Report;(7) incorporate language equity compliance provisions in State contracts with vendors, grantees and purchase of care entities; and(8) ensure that whenever an emergency, weather, health, or other crisis situation has been declared, the State's limited English person population is adequately notified of the emergency, information, any actions required, and has equitable access to emergency resources.(b) The Governor's Office of New Americans, with the support of the Department of Human Services and any other relevant agencies, shall lead statewide efforts in the implementation of the State's language equity and access policy for LEP persons and to ensure meaningful access to information, services, programs, and activities offered by State agencies for LEP persons. The role of the Governor's Office of New Americans in this work is to advance and monitor implementation of and compliance with this Act by: (1) providing oversight, central coordination, and technical assistance to State agencies in the implementation of language access requirements under this Act or under any other law, rule, or guidance related to language access;(2) reviewing and monitoring each State agency's language access plan for compliance with this Act;(3) consulting with Language Access Coordinators and State agency directors or their equivalent;(4) creating, distributing, and making available to State agencies multilingual signage in the more frequently encountered languages in the State and other languages as needed, informing individuals of the individual's right to free interpretation services and how to request language services;(5) ensuring that each State agency develops an internal complaint and review process specific to the provision of language assistance services and supporting agencies in addressing complaints in a timely manner;(6) developing recommendations for the use of interpreters and translators, including standards for certification and qualifications;(7) assisting State agencies in developing multilingual websites with information about relevant policies, standards, plans, and complaint processes;(8) assisting State agencies in preparing public notices of the availability of translation or interpretation services upon request;(9) preparing an annual compliance report to be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly; and(10) addressing other issues as necessary to ensure equity and meaningful participation for persons with limited English proficiency.Added by P.A. 103-0723,§ 15, eff. 8/2/2024.