110 ILCS 26/5

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 110 ILCS 26/5 - Definitions

As used in this Act:

"Credit card" means a card or device issued under an agreement by which the credit card issuer gives to a cardholder residing in the State of Illinois the privilege of obtaining credit from the credit card issuer or another person in connection with the purchase or lease of goods or services primarily for personal, family, or household use.

"Credit card issuer" means a financial institution, a lender other than a financial institution, or a merchant that receives applications and issues credit cards to individuals.

"Credit card marketing activity" means any action designed to promote the completion of an application by a student to qualify to receive a credit card. Credit card marketing activity includes, but is not limited to, the act of placing a display or poster together with credit card applications on a campus of an institution of higher education in the State of Illinois, whether or not an employee or agent of the credit card issuer attends the display. "Credit card marketing activity" does not include promotional activity of a credit card issuer in a newspaper, magazine, or other similar publication or within the physical location of a financial services business located on the campus of an institution of higher education, when that activity is conducted as a part of the financial services business's regular course of business.

"Institution of higher education" means any publicly or privately operated university, college, community college, junior college, business, technical or vocational school, or other educational institution offering degrees and instruction beyond the secondary school level.

"Student pursuing an undergraduate education" means any individual under the age of 21 admitted to or applying for admission to an institution of higher education, or enrolled on a full or part time basis in a course or program of academic, business, or vocational instruction offered by or through an institution of higher education, where credits earned could be applied toward the earning of a bachelors or associates degree.

"Tangible personal property" means personal property that can be seen, weighed, measured, or touched, or that is in any other matter perceptible to the senses, including, but not limited to, gift cards, t-shirts, and other giveaways.

110 ILCS 26/5

Added by P.A. 096-0261,§ 5, eff. 1/1/2010.