110 ILCS 215/4
Grants may be made to the following classes of institutions that offer health services programs: (i) medical, dental, pharmacy, optometry, and nursing schools, (ii) physician assistant programs, (iii) psychology and other physical and mental health-related schools and programs, and (iv) hospitals and clinical facilities used in health service training programs.
Qualification for grants shall be on the basis of either the number of Illinois resident enrollees or the number of degrees granted to students who are residents of this State or both. The grant amount shall be determined by the Board of Higher Education for each class of institution.
At the discretion of the Board of Higher Education grants may be made for a class of institution in any or all of the following forms:
In awarding grants to nursing schools and to hospital schools of nursing, the Board of Higher Education may also consider whether the nursing program is located in a certified nurse shortage area. For purposes of this Section "certified nurse shortage area" means an area certified by the Director of the Department of Public Health as a nurse shortage area based on the most reliable data available to the Director.
110 ILCS 215/4