Section 110 ILCS 205/9.35 - Assistance in financial emergencies(a) In this Section, "financial emergency" means a situation that requires a reduction or reallocation of staff and expenditures and the consequent reduction, reorganization, or termination of programs and activities that cannot be achieved through normal academic, administrative, budgetary, and personnel processes.(b) In fiscal year 2017 the Board, in consultation with the Illinois Community College Board, shall conduct a review to determine the existence of a financial emergency at a public institution of higher education that requires financial assistance from the Board, but only after the institution's governing board has formally requested the review by adopting a resolution stating that the institution is in a state of financial emergency that requires financial assistance from the Board. To be in a state of financial emergency, the institution must demonstrate that it is significantly diminishing all available resources and must satisfy any other factors determined appropriate by the Board. Subject to appropriation, payments shall be made to institutions in a state of financial emergency, in such amounts as shall be deemed necessary by the Board, in order to minimize, to the extent practicable, adverse impacts to students as a consequence of emergent staff or programmatic reductions. Added by P.A. 099-0523,§ 5-40, eff. 6/30/2016.