105 ILCS 5/34A-502

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 105 ILCS 5/34A-502 - Terms of Bonds
(a) Whenever the Authority desires or is required to issue Bonds as provided in this Article, it shall adopt a resolution designating the amount of the Bonds to be issued, the purposes for which the proceeds of the Bonds are to be used and the manner in which such proceeds shall be held pending the application thereof. The Bonds shall be issued in the corporate name of the Authority, shall bear such date or dates, and shall mature at such time or times not exceeding 30 years from their date as such resolution may provide; provided, however, that Bonds issued on or after July 1, 1993 shall mature on or before June 1, 2009. The Bonds may be issued as serial bonds payable in installments or as term bonds with sinking fund installments or as a combination thereof as the Authority may determine in such resolution. The Bonds shall be in such denominations of $1,000 or integral multiples thereof. The Bonds shall be in such form, either coupon or registered, carry such registration privileges, be executed in such manner, be payable at such place or places and be subject to such terms of redemption at such redemption prices, including premium, as such resolution may provide. The Bonds shall be sold by the Authority at public sale. The Bonds shall be sold to the highest and best bidders upon sealed bids. The Authority shall, from time to time as Bonds are to be sold, advertise in at least 2 daily newspapers, one of which is published in the City of Springfield and one in the City of Chicago, for proposals to purchase Bonds. Each of such advertisements for proposals shall be published at least ten days prior to the date of the opening of the bids. The Authority may reserve the right to reject any and all bids.
(b) Bonds issued prior to December 31, 1980 shall bear interest at such rate or rates and at such price or prices as the Authority may approve in the resolution authorizing the issuance of Bonds. Bonds issued after December 31, 1980 shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed the maximum annual rate provided for in Section 2 of "An Act to authorize public corporations to issue bonds, other evidences of indebtedness and tax anticipation warrants subject to interest rate limitations set forth therein", approved May 26, 1970, as amended, and if issued at such maximum annual rate shall be sold for not less than par and accrued interest. If any of the Bonds are issued to bear interest at a rate of less than such maximum annual rate the minimum price at which they may be sold shall be such that the interest cost to the Authority on the proceeds of the Bonds shall not exceed such maximum annual rate computed to stated maturity according to standard tables of bond values.
(c) In connection with the issuance of its Bonds, the Authority may enter into arrangements to provide additional security and liquidity for the Bonds. These may include, without limitation, municipal bond insurance, letters of credit, lines of credit by which the Authority may borrow funds to pay or redeem its Bonds and purchase or remarketing arrangements for assuring the ability of owners of the Authority's Bonds to sell or to have redeemed their Bonds. The Authority may enter into contracts and may agree to pay fees to persons providing such arrangements, including from Bond proceeds but only under circumstances in which the total interest paid or to be paid on the Bonds, together with the fees for the arrangements (being treated as if interest), would not, taken together, cause the Bonds to bear interest, calculated to their absolute maturity, at a rate in excess of the maximum rate allowed by law.

The resolution of the Authority authorizing the issuance of its Bonds may provide that interest rates may vary from time to time depending upon criteria established by the Authority, which may include, without limitation, a variation in interest rates as may be necessary to cause Bonds to be remarketable from time to time at a price equal to their principal amount, and may provide for appointment of a national banking association, bank, trust company, investment banker or other financial institution to serve as a remarketing agent in that connection. The resolution of the Authority authorizing the issuance of its Bonds may provide that alternative interest rates or provisions will apply during such times as the Bonds are held by a person providing a letter of credit or other credit enhancement arrangement for those Bonds.

105 ILCS 5/34A-502

P.A. 88-511.