Section 105 ILCS 5/34-8.3 - Remediation and probation of attendance centers(a) The general superintendent shall monitor the performance of the attendance centers within the district and shall identify attendance centers, pursuant to criteria that the board shall establish, in which: (1) there is a failure to develop, implement, or comply with a school improvement plan;(2) there is a pervasive breakdown in the educational program as indicated by factors, including, but not limited to, the absence of improvement in student reading and math achievement scores, an increased drop-out rate, a decreased graduation rate, and a decrease in rate of student attendance;(4) there is a failure or refusal to comply with the provisions of this Act, other applicable laws, collective bargaining agreements, court orders, or with Board rules which the Board is authorized to promulgate.(b) If the general superintendent identifies a nonperforming school as described herein, he or she shall place the attendance center on remediation by developing a remediation plan for the center. The purpose of the remediation plan shall be to correct the deficiencies in the performance of the attendance center by one or more of the following methods: (1) drafting a new school improvement plan;(2) applying to the board for additional funding for training for the local school council;(3) directing implementation of a school improvement plan;(4) mediating disputes or other obstacles to reform or improvement at the attendance center. Nothing in this Section removes any authority of the local school council, which shall retain the right to reject or modify any school improvement plan or implementation thereof, as long as the rejection or modification of any school improvement plan or implementation thereof is consistent with State and federal requirements.
If, however, the general superintendent determines that the problems are not able to be remediated by these methods, the general superintendent shall place the attendance center on probation. The board shall establish guidelines that determine the factors for placing an attendance center on probation.
(c) Each school placed on probation shall have a school improvement plan and school budget for correcting deficiencies identified by the board. The plan shall include specific steps that the local school council and school staff must take to correct identified deficiencies and specific objective criteria by which the school's subsequent progress will be determined. The school budget shall include specific expenditures directly calculated to correct educational and operational deficiencies identified at the school by the probation team.(d) Schools placed on probation that, after a maximum of one year, fail to make adequate progress in correcting deficiencies are subject to the following actions by the general superintendent with the approval of the board, after opportunity for a hearing:(1) Ordering new local school council elections.(2) Removing and replacing the principal.(3) Replacement of faculty members, subject to the provisions of Section 24A-5.(4) Reconstitution of the attendance center and replacement and reassignment by the general superintendent of all employees of the attendance center.(5) Intervention under Section 34-8.4.(5.5) Operating an attendance center as a contract turnaround school.(6) Closing of the school.(e) Schools placed on probation shall remain on probation from year to year until deficiencies are corrected, even if such schools make acceptable annual progress. The board shall establish, in writing, criteria for determining whether or not a school shall remain on probation. If academic achievement tests are used as the factor for placing a school on probation, the general superintendent shall consider objective criteria, not just an increase in test scores, in deciding whether or not a school shall remain on probation. These criteria shall include attendance, test scores, student mobility rates, poverty rates, bilingual education eligibility, special education, and English language proficiency programs, with progress made in these areas being taken into consideration in deciding whether or not a school shall remain on probation. Such criteria shall be delivered to each local school council on or before October 31 of each year.(e-5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the contrary, a school that has been on probation for 5 years or more shall have the following powers restored to its local school council: (1) to grant approval of the school improvement plan; and(2) to approve the school budget. With respect to the employment, dismissal, and evaluation of a school principal, the local school council of a school that has been on probation for 5 years or more shall conduct a non-binding poll that must be considered by the network chief. The network chief shall work collaboratively with the local school council throughout the process of employment, dismissal, and evaluation of a school principal.
(f) Where the board has reason to believe that violations of civil rights, or of civil or criminal law have occurred, or when the general superintendent deems that the school is in educational crisis it may take immediate corrective action, including the actions specified in this Section, without first placing the school on remediation or probation. Nothing described herein shall limit the authority of the board as provided by any law of this State. The board shall develop criteria governing the determination regarding when a school is in educational crisis. Such criteria shall be delivered to each local school council on or before October 31 of each year.(g) All persons serving as subdistrict superintendent on May 1, 1995 shall be deemed by operation of law to be serving under a performance contract which expires on June 30, 1995, and the employment of each such person as subdistrict superintendent shall terminate on June 30, 1995. The board shall have no obligation to compensate any such person as a subdistrict superintendent after June 30, 1995.(h) The general superintendent shall, in consultation with local school councils, conduct an annual evaluation of each principal in the district pursuant to guidelines promulgated by the Board of Education.Amended by P.A. 102-0677,§ 5, eff. 12/3/2021.Amended by P.A. 096-0105,§ 5, eff. 7/30/2009. P.A. 91-219, eff. 1-1-00.