Through fiscal year 2017, grants shall be determined for pupil attendance in summer schools conducted under Sections 10-22.33A and 34-18 and approved under Section 2-3.25 in the following manner.
The amount of grant for each accredited summer school attendance pupil shall be obtained by dividing the total amount of apportionments determined under Section 18-8.05 by the actual number of pupils in average daily attendance used for such apportionments. The number of credited summer school attendance pupils shall be determined (a) by counting clock hours of class instruction by pupils enrolled in grades 1 through 12 in approved courses conducted at least 60 clock hours in summer sessions; (b) by dividing such total of clock hours of class instruction by 4 to produce days of credited pupil attendance; (c) by dividing such days of credited pupil attendance by the actual number of days in the regular term as used in computation in the general apportionment in Section 18-8.05; and (d) by multiplying by 1.25.
The amount of the grant for a summer school program approved by the State Superintendent of Education for children with disabilities, as defined in Sections 14-1.02 through 14-1.07, shall be determined in the manner contained above except that average daily membership shall be utilized in lieu of average daily attendance.
In the case of an apportionment based on summer school attendance or membership pupils, the claim therefor shall be presented as a separate claim for the particular school year in which such summer school session ends. On or before November 1 of each year the superintendent of each eligible school district shall certify to the State Superintendent of Education the claim of the district for the summer session just ended. Failure on the part of the school board to so certify shall constitute a forfeiture of its right to such payment. The State Superintendent of Education shall transmit to the Comptroller no later than December 15th of each year vouchers for payment of amounts due school districts for summer school. The State Superintendent of Education shall direct the Comptroller to draw his warrants for payments thereof by the 30th day of December. If the money appropriated by the General Assembly for such purpose for any year is insufficient, it shall be apportioned on the basis of claims approved.
However, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, for each fiscal year the money appropriated by the General Assembly for the purposes of this Section shall only be used for grants for approved summer school programs for those children with disabilities served pursuant to Section 14-7.02 or 14-7.02b of this Code.
No funding shall be provided to school districts under this Section after fiscal year 2017. In fiscal year 2018 and each fiscal year thereafter, all funding received by a school district from the State pursuant to Section 18-8.15 of this Code that is attributable to summer school for special education pupils must be used for special education services authorized under this Code.
105 ILCS 5/18-4.3