805 ILCS 35/14

Current through Public Act 103-1059
Section 805 ILCS 35/14

The management of the affairs of the corporation shall be administered by a board of directors. Until the first meeting of stockholders, the incorporators shall have the powers and perform the duties ordinarily possessed and exercised by a board of directors. Thereafter, the board of directors shall be composed of not less than 18 persons who shall be residents of this State. Each member shall be entitled to nominate at least one candidate at any election of directors for consideration by the shareholders together with candidates for director nominated by any shareholder.

The directors shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified.

No director shall receive any salary until the earned surplus of the corporation equals the total of the capital and paid-in surplus as provided in Section 19.

The Executive Director of the Board of Economic Development, or the Director or other chief executive officer of any department or agency which may succeed such Board, shall be given notice of all meetings of the board of directors and may attend any such meeting for the purpose of presenting suggested prospects desiring financial help whose industrial expansion and development are consistent with the desired economic development of the State.

805 ILCS 35/14

Laws 1965, p. 577.