Any individual possessing a valid sport fishing license may take aquatic life by hand, or may use pole and line, bank pole and line, throw line, trotline, buoyed ganging devices, or other legal devices not exceeding 50 hooks in the aggregate, however, any individual at any one time is allowed to use under his or her immediate control only 2 untagged sport fishing devices and any additional devices up to the aggregate of 50 hooks must be tagged with his or her name and mailing address. It shall be unlawful to sell or barter any aquatic life or parts thereof taken by sport fishing devices.
A dip net for non-commercial smelt fishing in Lake Michigan may be used subject to the provisions of Section 10-40.
Any sport fishing device, including trot line device, bank pole, and throw line or buoyed ganging devices, left unattended must be tagged with the name and mailing address of the operator. All required tags shall be in a position to be at all times exposed to public view.
A sport fishing license permits the holder to seine for minnows, provided that minnows are not sold. The seine shall not be longer than 20 feet, deeper than 6 feet, or contain mesh larger than 1/2 inch bar measurement.
515 ILCS 5/10-95