505 ILCS 110/3
The Department shall promulgate rules and regulations governing the method of labeling, sampling, inspecting, analyzing, testing, and examining of agricultural, vegetable, and other seeds, establish tolerances for purity and germination and other factors, set and collect reasonable charges for tests, sampling, and annual permit fees and adopt, after a public hearing, such reasonable rules and regulations necessary to secure effective enforcement of the Act, including the promulgation of definitions of terms relating to the enforcement of this Act.
All fees collected under the provisions of this Act shall be paid to the General Revenue Fund, State Treasury.
When seed labeling, terms, methods of sampling and analysis, and tolerances are not specifically stated in this Act or otherwise designated by the Department, the Department shall, in order to promote uniformity, be guided by officially recognized associations, or regulations under The Federal Seed Act.
505 ILCS 110/3