Idaho Code § 72-1359

Current through Chapter 330 of the 2024 Regular Legislative Session

If the director determines that the collection of any amounts due from any covered employer under the provisions of this chapter will be jeopardized by delay, he may, whether or not the time prescribed by this chapter or any rules issued pursuant thereto for making reports and payments has expired, determine, on the basis of available information, the wages paid by such employer for covered employment and declare the amount due thereon immediately payable, and shall give written notice of such declaration to such employer. Any amounts, including penalty and interest, that are contained in such written declaration shall be subject to immediate seizure pursuant to section 72-1360A, Idaho Code, as well as through any other collection procedures allowed under law. Such jeopardy assessment shall become conclusive and binding upon the employer unless, within fourteen (14) days after notice as provided in section 72-1368(5), Idaho Code, the employer files an appeal to the department setting forth grounds for such appeal. In such cases, the right of appeal shall be conditioned upon the payment of the amount declared to be due, less any amount already collected, or upon giving appropriate security to the director for the payment thereof. Proceedings on such appeals shall be in accordance with the provisions of section 72-1361, Idaho Code.

Idaho Code § 72-1359

[72-1359, added 1947, ch. 269, sec. 59, p. 793; am. 1949, ch. 144, sec. 59, p. 252; am. 1965, ch. 203, sec. 5, p. 456; am. 1980, ch. 264, sec. 7, p. 691; am. 1991, ch. 119, sec. 8, p. 258; am. 1998, ch. 1, sec. 76, p. 64; am. 2005, ch. 5, sec. 11, p. 21; am. 2016, ch. 158, sec. 8, p. 441.]
Amended by 2016 Session Laws, ch. 158,sec. 8, eff. 7/1/2016.