Idaho Code § 63-3057

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) In addition to all other remedies or actions provided by this act, it shall be lawful for the tax commission, or any of its agents or deputies, to collect any taxes (the word "taxes," as used in this section including any deficiencies in respect of such taxes) with such interest, penalties, and other additional amounts as are permitted by law, by distraint and sale, in the manner provided herein, of the property of any person liable to pay any taxes, interest, penalties, or other additional amounts, who neglects or refuses to pay the same within thirty (30) days from the mailing of notice and demand for payment thereof, and who has not appealed from the assessment of such taxes, interest, penalties and other additional amounts pursuant to the provisions of the act or who has not satisfied or discharged any lien filed under this act. The term "property" as used herein shall be construed to mean personal property, both tangible and intangible, any right, title, and interest to such personal property and shall include, without limitation, stocks, securities, bank accounts, and evidences of debt.
(2) In conjunction with the remedy provided in subsection (1) of this section, the state tax commission may file an action in the district court where a taxpayer resides or has his principal place of business or in which the property subject to distraint under this section is located for a writ of possession under chapter 3, title 8, Idaho Code. In such an action, the sheriff shall designate the state tax commission as the keeper of the property under section 8-305, Idaho Code, and after expiration of the five (5) day period provided in section 8-308, Idaho Code, shall relinquish all custody and responsibility for such property to the state tax commission. The state tax commission may proceed in regard to such property as provided for property seized under a warrant issued by the commission under this chapter.

Idaho Code § 63-3057

[63-3057, added 1959, ch. 299, sec. 57, p. 613; am. 1975, ch. 86, sec. 1, p. 178; am. 2003, ch. 81, sec. 1, p. 257.]