Idaho Code § 44-2604

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(a) It is unlawful for a labor organization to make expenditures for political activities by using contributions:
(i) Secured by physical force or threat of force, job discrimination or threat of job discrimination, membership discrimination or threat of membership discrimination, or economic reprisals or threat of economic reprisals; or
(ii) From union dues except as provided in section 44-2603(4), Idaho Code.
(b) When a labor organization is soliciting contributions for a fund from an employee, it is unlawful for a labor organization to fail to:
(i) Affirmatively inform the employee orally or in writing of the fund's political purpose; and
(ii) Affirmatively inform the employee orally or in writing of the employee's right to refuse to contribute without fear of reprisal or loss of membership in the labor organization.
(c) It is unlawful for a labor organization to pay a member for contributing to the fund by providing a bonus, expense account, rebate of union dues, or by any other form of direct or indirect compensation.
(2) Any person or entity violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Idaho Code § 44-2604

[44-2604, added 2003, ch. 97, sec. 1, p. 313.]