Idaho Code § 42-5214

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) All ground water irrigators within the boundaries of the district shall be members of the district and subject to assessments, rights and responsibilities established by the district as set forth in this chapter, notwithstanding any change in the ownership or control of the property of the water user, whether by way of transfer, exchange, conveyance, assignment, lease, or otherwise, to which the water right or rights used to determine assessments are appurtenant, unless excluded from the district pursuant to sections 42-5251 through 42-5257, Idaho Code. Except as provided in section 42-5276, Idaho Code, any ground water irrigator who previously was not a member as of March 31, 2005, shall be included as a member effective upon order of the board finding and confirming that inclusion of such ground water irrigator is in the best interests of the district and that such ground water irrigator shall receive benefits from such inclusion as a member. Such order may be made only after the board shall have caused a notice of such hearing to be published in the manner of notices of elections, which notice shall state that all persons interested in or that may be affected by such inclusion as a member shall appear at the time and place named in the notice and show cause in writing why they should not be included as a member. The board, at the time mentioned in said notice shall hear any objections to inclusion. The failure of any person to file with the district office an objection to inclusion as a member prior to the noticed hearing shall be taken as an assent on his part to such inclusion as a member of the district. Any order confirming the inclusion of ground water irrigators as members of the district shall be certified by the board president and secretary and filed for record in the recorder's office of each county within which are situated any lands of the district and notice of the order shall be published in the manner of notices of elections. Any person who properly has filed an objection to inclusion as a member shall have the right to appeal to the district court of the county in which such person's ground water right is situated, provided such appeal shall be made within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of the order confirming such inclusion. After said thirty (30) day appeal period, no one shall have any cause or right of action to contest the legality, formality or regularity of said order of inclusion for any reason whatsoever, and thereafter, said inclusion and the constitution and validity of the district shall be considered valid and incontestable without limitation. Any ground water irrigator who previously was not a member of the district as of March 31, 2005, that is included as a member upon order of the board shall be liable for his proportionate share of all costs of the district incurred after such date, including his proportionate share of all bonded, warrant or other indebtedness incurred prior to March 31, 2005, but only the proportionate share of such prior indebtedness applicable to the period after March 31, 2005.
(2) All nonirrigators within the boundaries of the district who voted according to notice as provided in section 42-5210(3), Idaho Code, are members of the district as specified in such notice.
(3) A nonirrigator also may become a member of a district by providing, within sixty (60) days after the date on which the district is formed, written notice to the district board that the nonirrigator wishes to join the district either as a member for all purposes or as a member for mitigation purposes only. Upon providing such notice, the nonirrigator shall be either a member for all purposes or a member for mitigation purposes only, as specified in the notice, and shall be subject to assessment accordingly as provided in this chapter. After such sixty (60) day period, a nonirrigator may become a member of a district only through the annexation procedure described in sections 42-5245 through 42-5249, Idaho Code.
(4) Except as provided for nonirrigators as defined in subsection (11) of section 42-5201, Idaho Code, any person whose permit, license, or other entitlement to appropriate ground water was acquired after the formation of the district, or who appropriates ground water for uses not requiring a permit after the formation of the district, but qualifies as a ground water user under subsection (8) of section 42-5201, Idaho Code, within the area of the district in all other respects, shall be deemed included within and subject to assessment by the district, if benefitted either directly or indirectly by the district as of the date the permit, license, or entitlement is acquired.

Idaho Code § 42-5214

[42-5214, added 1995, ch. 290, sec. 1, p. 990; am. 1996, ch. 298, sec. 5, p. 982; am. 2005, ch. 367, sec. 4, p. 1158; am. 2006, ch. 355, sec. 1, p. 1085.]