Upon such hearing, and not later than thirty (30) days thereafter, the director of the department of insurance shall order all or any part of such filing which he deems approved to be in effect as of the date of such order, and if he finds the filing or a part thereof does not meet the requirements of title 41, Idaho Code, he shall issue an order specifying in what respects he finds that it so fails, stating when, within a reasonable period thereafter, such filing or a part thereof shall no longer be deemed effective if such filing or a part thereof has been effective prior thereto. Such order shall not affect any contract or policy made or issued prior to the effective date of said order changing any rate, or policy classification or form.
A title insurer, a title insurance rating organization or the director shall have the right at any time prior to an order thereon to withdraw a filing or a part thereof. Notice of such withdrawal shall be sent to each title insurer in the state that received notice of the original filing and to any person commenting on the filing.
Idaho Code § 41-2707