Idaho Code § 41-1934

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) No life insurer shall hereafter deliver or issue for delivery in this state:
(a) As part of or in combination with any life insurance, endowment or annuity contract, any agreement or plan, additional to the rights, dividends, and benefits arising out of any such contract, which provides for the accumulation of profits over a period of years and for payment of all or any part of such accumulated profits only to members or policyholders of a designated group or class who continue as members or policyholders until the end of a specified or ascertainable period of years.
(b) Any individual life insurance policy which provides that on the death of anyone other than a beneficiary or a person insured thereunder, the owner or beneficiary of the policy shall receive the payment or granting of anything of value.
(c) Any "registered" policy; that is, any policy purporting to be "registered" or otherwise specially recorded, with any agency of the state of Idaho, or of any other state or with any bank, trust company, escrow company, or other institution other than the insurer; or purporting that any reserves, assets or deposits are held, or will be so held, for the special benefit or protection of the holder of such policy, by or through any such agency or institution.
(d) Any policy or contract under which any part of the premium or of funds or values arising from the policy or contract or from investment of reserves, or from mortality savings, lapses or surrenders, in excess of the normal reserves or amounts required to pay death, endowment, and nonforfeiture benefits in respective amounts as specified in or pursuant to the policy or contract, are on a basis not involving insurance or life contingency features, (i) to be placed in special funds or segregated accounts or specially designated places or (ii) to be invested in specially designated investments or types thereof, and the funds or earnings thereon to be divided among the holders of such policies or contracts, or their beneficiaries or assignees. This subdivision (d) does not apply as to variable life insurance or variable annuity contracts issued under section 41-1936, Idaho Code.
(e) Any profit sharing, charter, coupon or founders policy.
(f) For the purposes of subdivision (e) above, a "profit sharing" policy is:
(i) A life insurance policy which by its terms expressly provides that the policyholder will participate in the distribution of earnings or surplus other than earnings or surplus attributable, by reasonable and nondiscriminatory standards, to the participating policies of the insurer and allocated to the policyholder on reasonable and nondiscriminatory standards; or
(ii) A life insurance policy the provisions of which, through sales material or oral presentations, are interpreted by the insurer to prospective policyholders as entitling the policyholder to the benefits described in paragraph (i) of this subdivision (f).
(g) For the purposes of subdivision (e) above a "charter" or "founders" policy is:
(i) A life insurance policy which by its terms expressly provides that the policyholder will receive some preferential or discriminatory advantage or benefit not available to persons who purchase insurance from the insurer at future dates or under other circumstances; or
(ii) A life insurance policy the provisions of which, through sales material or oral presentations, are interpreted by the insurer to prospective policyholders as entitling the policyholders to the benefits described in subdivision (g)(i) of this section.
(h) For the purposes of subdivision (e) above, a "coupon" policy means a life insurance policy which provides a series of pure endowments maturing periodically in amounts not exceeding the gross annual policy premiums. The term "pure endowment" or "endowment" is used in its accepted actuarial sense, meaning a benefit becoming payable at a specific future date if the insured person is then living.
(2) This section shall not be deemed to prohibit the provision, payment, allowance or apportionment of regular annual dividends or "savings" under regular participating forms of policies or contracts.

Idaho Code § 41-1934

[41-1934, added 1961, ch. 330, sec. 465, p. 645; am. 1969, ch. 214, sec. 50, p. 625; am. 1972, ch. 369, sec. 10, p. 1072.]