Idaho Code § 31-4701

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

A county museum board may be created as follows:

(1) In addition to the procedures provided in subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this section, the county commissioners may adopt a resolution and incorporate in its minutes to signify that it is the intention of the board of county commissioners to create a county museum board in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The board of county commissioners shall fix a date, not less than three (3) nor more than six (6) weeks from the date of the adoption of the resolution for a public hearing, and shall order the clerk of the board to publish notice of the hearing in one (1) or more newspapers of general circulation in the county, which notice shall include the time and place of the hearing at which the board of county commissioners will hear any person or persons interested upon the matter of whether a county museum board shall be created pursuant to this chapter. If after the hearing provided for in this section, the board of county commissioners shall then deem it for the best interests of the county that a county museum board be created, the county commissioners shall enter an order to that effect and calling an election upon the formation of the proposed county museum board as provided in this section.
(2) Any person or persons may file a petition for the formation of a county museum board with the clerk. The petition which may be in one (1) or more papers shall be signed by not less than ten percent (10%) of the registered voters residing within the county.
(3) The clerk shall, within ten (10) days after the filing of the petition, estimate the cost of advertising and holding the election provided in this section and notify in writing the person or any of the persons filing the petition as to the amount of the estimate. The person or persons shall within twenty (20) days after receipt of the written notice deposit the estimated amount with the clerk in cash, or the petition shall be deemed withdrawn. If the deposit is made and the county museum board is formed, the person or persons so depositing the sum shall be reimbursed from the first moneys collected by the county museum board from the taxes authorized to be levied by this chapter.
(4) Within thirty (30) days after the filing of the petition together with the map and the making of the cash deposit, the county commissioners shall determine whether or not they substantially comply with the requirements of this section. If the county commissioners find that there has not been substantial compliance with the requirements, the county commissioners shall enter an order to the effect specifying the particular deficiencies, dismissing the petition and refunding the cash deposit. If the county commissioners find that there has been substantial compliance with the requirements, the county commissioners shall forthwith enter an order to that effect and calling an election upon the formation of the proposed county museum board as provided in this section.
(5) If the county commissioners order an election as provided in this section, the election shall be conducted on the first Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November in any year, and in accordance with the general election laws of the state. The county commissioners shall establish election precincts, and the county clerk shall design and print voter's oaths, ballots and other necessary supplies, appoint election personnel and provide for the conduct and tally of the election. Each registered voter of the county shall be entitled to vote in the election in accordance with the provisions of title 34, Idaho Code. The county clerk shall give notice of the election which notice shall clearly state the question of whether a county museum board shall be formed and shall state the date of the election. The notice shall be published as provided in chapter 14, title 34, Idaho Code, in a newspaper published within the county.
(6) Immediately after the election, the judges at the election shall forward the ballots and results of the election to the county clerk. The county commissioners shall canvass the vote within ten (10) days after the election. If forty-five percent (45%) or more of the votes cast at the election are against the formation of the county museum board, the county commissioners shall enter an order so finding and declaring that the county museum board shall not be formed. If more than fifty-five percent (55%) of the votes cast at the election are in favor of forming the county museum board, the county commissioners shall enter an order so finding, declaring the county museum board duly organized. The county commissioners shall cause one (1) certified copy of the order to be filed in the office of the county recorder of the county and shall cause one (1) certified copy of the order to be transmitted to the governor. Immediately upon the entry of the order, the organization of the county museum board shall be complete.
(7) After the election, the validity of the proceedings hereunder shall not be affected by any defect in the petition, if any, or in the number or qualification of the signers thereof, and in no event shall any action be commenced or maintained or defense made affecting the validity of the organization of the county museum board after six (6) months have expired from the date of entering the order declaring the formation of the county museum board.

Idaho Code § 31-4701

[31-4701, added 1990, ch. 393, sec. 1, p. 1101; am. 1991, ch. 322, sec. 1, p. 837; am. 2009, ch. 341, sec. 23, p. 1007.]