Idaho Code § 26-1009
Any bank deeming itself aggrieved by the action of the director in taking possession of its assets or closing its doors may, within ten (10) days after such possession shall have been taken, apply to the district court of the county in which its principal place of business is located, or to the judge thereof in chambers, to enjoin further proceedings by the director, and the court or the judge thereof in chambers, after notifying the director to appear at a specified time and place to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined, and after hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, and determining facts, may, on the merits, dismiss such application, or enjoin the director from further proceeding and direct him to surrender the business and assets of said bank. Such application for injunction may be heard at any time after five (5) days' notice from the time of service on said director in the discretion of the court, or the judge thereof, or at any time prior thereto by the consent of the director. Application therefor shall be made on the verified complaint of the bank, in the ordinary form used in civil actions in district court, and a copy of such complaint shall be served on the director with the order to show cause. The director shall, at least two (2) days before the time set for hearing, file in the cause, and serve upon counsel for plaintiff an answer to the complaint, also in the ordinary form used in civil actions in the district court. Demurrers and motions directed to pleadings are not permissible in proceedings had under this section, but any questions raised by demurrer or motion in other actions may be raised in the answer. On the issues thus made on the complaint and answer, the court, or the judge thereof at chambers, at the time fixed for showing cause, or at such other time to which he, in his discretion, may continue the same, shall try the matter on the merits by hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties in the same manner as on the trial of ordinary civil actions in the district court, and the rules governing the trial of ordinary civil actions and for the production and taking of evidence and hearing the examinations of witnesses and the entry of findings and judgments therein, shall prevail. In the event the director makes no appearance in the time limited, the court shall enter his default and proceed to hear the proofs of the plaintiff in like manner as in civil actions under similar circumstances, and enter judgment accordingly. The judgment entered either after hearing on the merits or by default, shall be final judgment from which either party shall have the right, by notice filed within twenty (20) days after entry, to appeal to the supreme court, in the same manner as from final judgment in a civil action.
Idaho Code § 26-1009