The division of animal industries may either refuse to issue, or refuse to review, or suspend or revoke any license upon any of the following grounds:
The division may neither refuse to issue, nor refuse to renew, nor suspend nor revoke any license, however, for any such cause, unless the person accused has been given at least twenty (20) days notice in writing of the charge against him, and a public hearing by the division is first had.
Upon the hearing of any such proceeding the administrator may administer oaths and may procure, by subpoena of the division of animal industries, the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers.
Any district court, or any judge of a district court, either in terms or in vacation, upon the application of the division may, by order duly entered require the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers before the said division in any hearing relating to the refusal, suspension or revocation of license hereunder. Upon refusal or neglect to obey the order of the court or the said judge, the court or judge may compel, by proceedings for contempt of court, obedience of its or his order.
Idaho Code § 25-810