Idaho Code § 16-1513

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
(1) A person who is the father or claims to be the father of a child born out of wedlock may claim rights pertaining to his paternity of the child by commencing proceedings to establish paternity under section 7-1111, Idaho Code, and by filing with the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare notice of his filing of proceedings to establish his paternity of the child born out of wedlock. The vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare shall provide forms for the purpose of filing the notice of filing of paternity proceedings, and the forms shall be made available through the vital statistics unit of the Idaho department of health and welfare and in the office of the county clerk in every county of this state. The forms shall include a written notification that filing pursuant to this section shall not satisfy the requirements of chapter 82, title 39, Idaho Code, and the notification shall also include the following statements:
(a) A parent may make a claim of parental rights of an abandoned child, abandoned pursuant to the provisions of chapter 82, title 39, Idaho Code, as provided by section 39-8206, Idaho Code, by filing a notice of claim of parental rights with the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare on a form as prescribed and provided by the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare;
(b) The vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare shall maintain a separate registry for claims to abandoned children, abandoned pursuant to the provisions of chapter 82, title 39, Idaho Code;
(c) The department shall provide forms for the purpose of filing a claim of parental rights of an abandoned child, abandoned pursuant to the provisions of chapter 82, title 39, Idaho Code, and the forms shall be made available through the vital statistics unit of the Idaho department of health and welfare and in the office of the county clerk in every county of this state;
(d) To be valid, a claim of parental rights of an abandoned child, abandoned pursuant to the provisions of chapter 82, title 39, Idaho Code, must be filed before an order terminating parental rights is entered by the court. A parent that fails to file a claim of parental rights prior to entry of an order terminating their parental rights is deemed to have abandoned the child and waived and surrendered any right in relation to the child, including the right to notice of any judicial proceeding in connection with the termination of parental rights or adoption of the child;
(e) Registration of notice of filing of paternity proceedings pursuant to chapter 15, title 16, Idaho Code, shall not satisfy the requirements of chapter 82, title 39, Idaho Code. To register a parental claim to an abandoned child, abandoned pursuant to the provisions of chapter 82, title 39, Idaho Code, an individual must file an abandoned child registry claim with the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare and comply with all other provisions of chapter 82, title 39, Idaho Code, in the time and manner prescribed, in order to preserve parental rights to the child.

When filing a notice of the filing of paternity proceedings, a person who claims to be the father of a child born out of wedlock shall file with the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare the completed form prescribed by the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare. Said form will be filled out completely, signed by the person claiming paternity, and witnessed before a notary public.

(2) The notice of the filing of paternity proceedings may be filed prior to the birth of the child, but must be filed prior to the date of the filing of any proceeding to terminate the parental rights of the birth mother. The notice of the filing of paternity proceedings shall be signed by the person filing the notice and shall include his name and address, the name and last address of the mother, and either the birth date of the child or the probable month and year of the expected birth of the child. The vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare shall maintain a central registry for this purpose that shall be subject to disclosure according to chapter 1, title 74, Idaho Code. The department shall record the date and time the notice of the filing of proceedings is filed with the department. The notice shall be deemed to be duly filed with the department as of the date and time recorded on the notice by the department.
(3) If the unmarried biological father does not know the county in which the birth mother resides, he may initiate his action in any county, subject to a change in venue.
(4) Except as provided in section 16-1504(6), Idaho Code, any father of a child born out of wedlock who fails to file and register his notice of the commencement of paternity proceedings pursuant to section 7-1111, Idaho Code, prior to the date of the filing of any proceeding to terminate the parental rights of the birth mother; the filing of any proceeding to adopt the child; or the execution of a consent to terminate the birth mother's parental rights under the provisions of section 16-2005(5), Idaho Code, whichever occurs first, is deemed to have waived and surrendered any right in relation to the child and of any notice to proceedings for adoption of the child or for termination of parental rights of the birth mother. His consent to the adoption of the child shall not be required and he shall be barred from thereafter bringing or maintaining any action to establish his paternity of the child. Failure of such filing or registration shall constitute an abandonment of said child and shall constitute an irrevocable implied consent in any adoption or termination proceeding.
(5) The filing and registration of an unrevoked notice of the commencement of paternity proceedings by a putative father shall constitute prima facie evidence of the fact of his paternity in any contested proceeding under chapter 11, title 7, Idaho Code. The filing of a notice of the commencement of paternity proceedings shall not be a bar to an action for termination of his parental rights under chapter 20, title 16, Idaho Code.
(6) An unmarried biological father of a child born out of wedlock who has filed and registered a notice of the filing of paternity proceedings may at any time revoke notice of intent to claim paternity previously filed. Upon receipt of written revocation, the effect shall be as if no notice of the filing of paternity proceedings had been filed or registered.
(7) In any adoption proceeding pertaining to a child born out of wedlock, if there is no showing that the putative father has consented to the adoption, a certificate shall be obtained from the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare, signed by the state registrar of vital statistics, which certificate shall state that a diligent search has been made of the registry of notices from putative fathers, and that no filing has been found pertaining to the father of the child in question, or if a filing is found, stating the name of the putative father and the time and date of filing. That certificate shall be filed with the court prior to entry of a final decree of adoption.
(8) Identities of putative fathers can only be released pursuant to procedures contained in chapter 1, title 74, Idaho Code.
(9) To cover the cost of implementing and maintaining said central registry, the vital statistics unit of the department of health and welfare shall charge a filing fee of ten dollars ($10.00) at the time the putative father files his notice of his commencement of proceedings. The department shall also charge a reasonable fee to cover all costs incurred in a search of the Idaho putative father registry and for furnishing a certificate in accordance with the provisions of this section and section 16-1504, Idaho Code. It is the intent of the legislature that the fee shall cover all direct and indirect costs incurred pursuant to this section and section 16-1504, Idaho Code. The department shall annually review the fees and expenses incurred pursuant to administering the provisions of this section and section 16-1504, Idaho Code.
(10) Consistent with its authority denoted in the vital statistics act, section 39-242(c), Idaho Code, the board of health and welfare shall adopt, amend and repeal rules for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section.
(11) The department shall produce and distribute, within the limits of continuing annual appropriations duly made available to the department by the legislature for such purposes, a pamphlet or publication informing the public about the Idaho putative father registry, printed in English and Spanish. The pamphlet shall indicate the procedures to be followed in order to receive notice of any proceeding for the adoption of a child that an unmarried biological father claims to have fathered and of any proceeding for termination of his parental rights, voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, the consequences of acknowledgment of paternity, the consequences of failure to acknowledge paternity and the address of the Idaho putative father registry. Within the limits of continuing annual appropriations duly made available to the department by the legislature for such purposes, such pamphlets or publications shall be made available for distribution to the public at all offices of the department of health and welfare. Upon request, the department shall also provide such pamphlets or publications to hospitals, libraries, medical clinics, schools, colleges, universities, providers of child-related services and children's agencies licensed in the state of Idaho or advertising services in the state of Idaho.
(12) Within the limits of continuing annual appropriations duly made available to the department by the legislature for such purposes, each county clerk, branch office of the department of motor vehicles, all offices of the department of health and welfare, hospitals and local health districts shall post in a conspicuous place a notice that informs the public about the purpose and operation of the Idaho putative father registry. The notice must include information regarding the following:
(a) Where to obtain a registration form;
(b) Where to register;
(c) The procedures to follow in order to file proceedings to establish paternity of a child born out of wedlock;
(d) The consequences of a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity; and
(e) The consequences of failure to acknowledge paternity.
(13) The department shall host on the department's web page a public service announcement (PSA) informing the public about the Idaho putative father registry, printed in English and Spanish. The PSA shall indicate the procedures to be followed in order to receive notice of any proceeding for the adoption of a child that an unmarried biological father claims to have fathered and of any proceeding for termination of his parental rights, voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, the consequences of acknowledgment of paternity, the consequences of failure to acknowledge paternity and the address of the Idaho putative father registry.
(14) Failure to post a proper notice under the provisions of this section does not relieve a putative father of the obligation to file notice of the filing of proceedings to establish his paternity pursuant to this section or to commence proceedings to establish paternity pursuant to section 7-1111, Idaho Code, prior to the filing of any proceeding to terminate parental rights of the birth mother.
(15) A person who knowingly or intentionally falsely files or registers as a putative father is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Idaho Code § 16-1513

[16-1513, added 1985, ch. 54, sec. 1, p. 107; am. 1990, ch. 213, sec. 9, p. 494; am. 1992, ch. 341, sec. 2, p. 1033; am. 1994, ch. 393, sec. 3, p. 1245; am. 2000, ch. 171, sec. 7, p. 431; am. 2001, ch. 357, sec. 2, p. 1256; am. 2005 , ch. 25, sec. 75 , p. 110; am. 2005 , ch. 391, sec. 4 , p. 1267; am. 2013 , ch. 138, sec. 5 , p. 327; am. 2014 , ch. 140, sec. 2 , p. 382; am. 2015 , ch. 141, sec. 12 , p. 384; am. 2020 , ch. 330, sec. 4 , p. 958.]
Amended by 2023 Session Laws, ch. 10, sec. 5, eff. 7/1/2023.
Amended by 2020 Session Laws, ch. 330, sec. 4, eff. 7/1/2020.
Amended by 2015 Session Laws, ch. 141, sec. 12, eff. 7/1/2015.
Amended by 2014 Session Laws, ch. 140, sec. 2, eff. 7/1/2014.
Amended by 2013 Session Laws, ch. 138, sec. 5, eff. 7/1/2013.