Idaho Code § 1-2313

Current through the 2024 Regular Session

If no appeal is taken by the defendant and the defendant fails to pay the judgment according to the terms and conditions thereof, the magistrate before whom such hearing was had, may, on application of the plaintiff, certify such judgment in substantially the following form:

In the Magistrate's Division of the District Court for .... County, Idaho

Plaintiff .........................


Defendant .........................

In the Small Claims Department

This is to certify that in a certain action before me, the undersigned, had on this the .... day of ...., 20.., wherein .... was plaintiff and .... was defendant, jurisdiction of said defendant having had by personal service (or otherwise), as provided by law, I then and there entered judgment against said defendant in the sum of .... dollars, which judgment has not been paid.

Witness my hand this .... day of ...., 20...

......................... Magistrate sitting in the small claims department.

The magistrate of said magistrate's division shall forthwith enter such judgment transcript on the judgment docket of such magistrate's division, and thereafter execution and other process on execution provided by law may issue thereon, as obtains in other cases of judgments of magistrate's division, and a transcript of such judgments may be filed and entered in judgment lien dockets in district courts with like effect as in other cases.

Idaho Code § 1-2313

[1-2313, added 1969, ch. 103, sec. 13, p. 348; am. 2000, ch. 250, sec. 11, p. 708.]