Section 466D-7 - ExemptionsThis chapter is not intended to restrict the practice of other licensed or credentialed healthcare practitioners practicing within their own recognized scopes of practice and shall not apply to:
(1) A person working within the scope of practice or duties of another licensed profession that overlaps with the practice of respiratory care; provided that the person does not purport to be a respiratory therapist;(2) A person working as, or training to become, a sleep technologist or person who is enrolled in a Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, Accredited Sleep Technologist Education Program, or a program approved by the American Association of Sleep Technologists to become a sleep technologist; provided that, as used in this paragraph, a "sleep technologist" is defined as a person trained in sleep technology and relevant aspects of sleep medicine, evaluation, and follow-up care of patients with sleep disorders;(3) A person enrolled as a student in an accredited respiratory therapy program where the performance of duties that are regulated by this chapter is an integral part of the student's program of study;(4) A person employed by a durable medical equipment provider who engages in the delivery, assembly, setup, testing, and demonstration of oxygen and aerosol equipment upon the order of a physician; provided that no person providing those services shall be authorized to assess patients, develop care plans, instruct patients in taking treatment, or discuss the hazards, administration, or side effects of medication with patients;(5) A person rendering services in the case of an emergency or in the domestic administration of family remedies; or(6) A person employed by a federal, state, or county government agency in a respiratory therapist position, but only in the course of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of government employment. L 2010, c 178, pt of §2 .