the health care provider shall notify, as soon as reasonably possible, any law enforcement officer present at the health care facility to investigate the collision. If no law enforcement officer is present, the health care provider shall notify the county police department in the county where the collision occurred. If the health care provider is aware of any blood or urine test result, as provided in paragraph (1), but lacks information to form a reasonable belief as to the identity of the operator involved in a vehicle collision, as provided in paragraph (2), then the health care provider shall give notice to a law enforcement officer present or to the county police department, as applicable, for each person involved in a vehicle collision whose alcohol concentration in the person's blood meets or exceeds the amount specified in section 291E-61(a)(4) or 291E-61.5(a)(2)(D) or whose blood or urine contains one or more drugs. The notice by the health care provider shall consist of the name of the person being treated, the blood alcohol concentration or drug content disclosed by the test, and the date and time of the administration of the test. This notice shall be deemed to satisfy the intoxication element necessary to establish the probable cause requirement set forth in subsection (c).
"Health care facility" includes any program, institution, place, building, or agency, or portion thereof, private or public, whether organized for profit or not, that is used, operated, or designed to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitative or preventive care to any person. The term includes health care facilities that are commonly referred to as hospitals, outpatient clinics, organized ambulatory health care facilities, emergency care facilities and centers, health maintenance organizations, and others providing similarly organized services regardless of nomenclature.
"Health care provider" means a person who is licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized or permitted by law to administer health care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession.
HRS § 291E-21
Where there was insufficient evidence to conclude that defendant was involved in a "collision", as is necessary for a police officer to obtain a blood sample from defendant without defendant's consent, the requirements of subsection (c) were not met; thus, the blood draw was improper and should have been suppressed. 114 H. 406, 163 P.3d 1143.