(e) The authority shall hold a public hearing on a proposed community development plan pursuant to chapter 91 and, after consideration of comments received and appropriate revision, shall submit the community development plan to the governor for the governor's approval. After approval, the governor shall submit to the legislature requests for appropriations, authorization to issue bonds, or both, to implement the community development plan in an orderly, affordable, and feasible manner. The governor shall submit the requests to the legislature as part of the executive budget or supplemental budget, as appropriate. In addition to the information, data, and materials required under chapter 37, the requests shall be accompanied by:
(1) Plans, maps, narrative descriptions, and other appropriate materials on the: (A) Locations and design of projects or public facilities proposed to be funded; and(B) Phase of the community development plans proposed to be implemented with the requested funds; and(2) Other information deemed by the governor of significance to the legislature regarding the projects or public facilities proposed to be funded, including a discussion of the public benefits intended by, and adverse effects which may result from, implementation of the projects or public facilities.