- Section 20-138 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-138.1 - Impaired driving
- Section 20-138.2 - Impaired driving in commercial vehicle
- Section 20-138.2A - Operating a commercial vehicle after consuming alcohol
- Section 20-138.2B - Operating a school bus, school activity bus, child care vehicle, ambulance, other EMS vehicle, firefighting vehicle, or law enforcement vehicle after consuming alcohol
- Section 20-138.2C - Possession of alcoholic beverages while operating a commercial motor vehicle
- Section 20-138.3 - Driving by person less than 21 years old after consuming alcohol or drugs
- Section 20-138.4 - Requirement that prosecutor explain reduction or dismissal of charge in implied-consent case
- Section 20-138.5 - Habitual impaired driving
- Section 20-138.6 - Reserved
- Section 20-138.7 - Transporting an open container of alcoholic beverage
- Section 20-139 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-139.1 - Procedures governing chemical analyses; admissibility; evidentiary provisions; controlled-drinking programs
- Section 20-140 - Reckless driving
- Section 20-140.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-140.2 - Overloaded or overcrowded vehicle
- Section 20-140.3 - Unlawful use of National System of Interstate and Defense Highways and other controlled-access highways
- Section 20-140.4 - Special provisions for motorcycles and mopeds
- Section 20-140.5 - Special mobile equipment may tow certain vehicles
- Section 20-141 - Speed restrictions
- Section 20-141.1 - Speed limits in school zones
- Section 20-141.2 - Prima facie rule of evidence as to operation of motor vehicle altered so as to increase potential speed
- Section 20-141.3 - Unlawful racing on streets and highways
- Section 20-141.4 - Felony and misdemeanor death by vehicle; felony serious injury by vehicle; aggravated offenses; repeat felony death by vehicle
- Section 20-141.5 - Speeding to elude arrest; seizure and sale of vehicles
- Section 20-141.6 - Aggressive Driving
- Section 20-141.10 - Street takeover
- Section 20-142 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-142.1 - Obedience to railroad signal
- Section 20-142.2 - Vehicles stop at certain grade crossing
- Section 20-142.3 - Certain vehicles must stop at railroad grade crossing
- Section 20-142.4 - Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossing
- Section 20-142.5 - Stop when traffic obstructed
- Section 20-143 through 20-143.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-144 - Special speed limitation on bridges
- Section 20-145 - When speed limit not applicable
- Section 20-146 - Drive on right side of highway; exceptions
- Section 20-146.1 - Operation of motorcycles
- Section 20-146.2 - Rush hour traffic lanes authorized
- Section 20-147 - Keep to the right in crossing intersections or railroads
- Section 20-147.1 - Passenger vehicle towing other vehicles to keep right
- Section 20-148 - Meeting of vehicles
- Section 20-149 - Overtaking a vehicle
- Section 20-150 - Limitations on privilege of overtaking and passing
- Section 20-150.1 - When passing on the right is permitted
- Section 20-151 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-152 - Following too closely
- Section 20-153 - Turning at intersections
- Section 20-154 - Signals on starting, stopping or turning
- Section 20-155 - Right-of-way
- Section 20-156 - Exceptions to the right-of-way rule
- Section 20-157 - Approach of law enforcement, fire department or rescue squad vehicles or ambulances; driving over fire hose or blocking fire fighting equipment; parking, etc., near law enforcement, fire department, or rescue squad vehicle or ambulance
- Section 20-157.1 - Funeral processions
- Section 20-158 - Vehicle control signs and signals
- Section 20-158.1 - Erection of "yield right-of-way" signs
- Section 20-158.2 - Control of vehicles on Turnpike System
- Section 20-158.3 - Emergency entry to controlled access roads
- Section 20-159 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-160 - Driving through safety zone or on sidewalks prohibited
- Section 20-160.1 - Failure to yield causing serious bodily injury; penalties
- Section 20-161 - Stopping on highway prohibited; warning signals; removal of vehicles from public highway
- Section 20-161.1 - Regulation of night parking on highways
- Section 20-161.2 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-162 - Parking in front of private driveway, fire hydrant, fire station, intersection of curb lines or fire lane
- Section 20-162.1 - Prima facie rule of evidence for enforcement of parking regulations
- Section 20-162.2 through 20-162.3 - Transferred
- Section 20-163 - Unattended motor vehicles
- Section 20-164 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-165 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-165.1 - One-way traffic
- Section 20-166 - Duty to stop in event of a crash; furnishing information or assistance to injured person, etc.; persons assisting exempt from civil liability
- Section 20-166.1 - Reports and investigations required in event of accident
- Section 20-166.2 - Duty of passenger to remain at the scene of an accident
- Section 20-166.3 - Limit storage duration for vehicle damaged as a result of a collision
- Section 20-167 - Vehicles transporting explosives
- Section 20-167.1 - Transportation of spent nuclear fuel
- Section 20-168 - Drivers of State, county, and city vehicles subject to the provisions of this Article
- Section 20-169 - Powers of local authorities
- Section 20-170 - This Article not to interfere with rights of owners of real property with reference thereto
- Section 20-171 - Traffic laws apply to persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles