Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 14-381 - Desecration of State and United States flag
- Section 14-382 - Pollution of water on lands used for dairy purposes
- Section 14-383 - Cutting timber on town watershed without disposing of boughs and debris; misdemeanor
- Section 14-384 - Injuring notices and advertisements
- Section 14-385 - Defacing or destroying public notices and advertisements
- Section 14-386 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-387 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-388 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-389 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-390 through 14-390.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-391 - Usurious loans on household and kitchen furniture or assignment of wages
- Section 14-392 through 14-393 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-394 - Anonymous or threatening letters, mailing or transmitting
- Section 14-395 - Commercialization of American Legion emblem; wearing by nonmembers
- Section 14-395.1 - Sexual harassment
- Section 14-396 through 14-397 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-398 - Theft or destruction of property of public libraries, museums, etc
- Section 14-399 - Littering
- Section 14-399.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-399.2 - Certain plastic yoke and ring type holding devices prohibited
- Section 14-399.3 - Duty to stop in event of certain spills from vehicles
- Section 14-400 - Tattooing; body piercing prohibited
- Section 14-401 - Putting poisonous foodstuffs, antifreeze, etc., in certain public places, prohibited
- Section 14-401.1 - Misdemeanor to tamper with examination questions
- Section 14-401.2 - Misdemeanor for detective to collect claims, accounts, etc
- Section 14-401.3 - Inscription on gravestone or monument charging commission of crime
- Section 14-401.4 - Identifying marks on machines and apparatus; application to Division of Motor Vehicles for numbers
- Section 14-401.5 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-401.6 - Unlawful to possess, etc., tear gas except for certain purposes
- Section 14-401.7 - Persons, firms, banks and corporations dealing in securities on commission taxed as a private banker
- Section 14-401.8 - [Repealed]
- Section 14-401.9 - Parking vehicle in private parking space without permission
- Section 14-401.10 - Soliciting advertisements for official publications of law-enforcement officers' associations
- Section 14-401.11 - Distribution of certain food or beverage prohibited
- Section 14-401.12 - Soliciting charitable contributions by telephone
- Section 14-401.13 - Failure to give right to cancel in off-premises sales
- Section 14-401.14 - Ethnic intimidation; teaching any technique to be used for ethnic intimidation
- Section 14-401.15 - Telephone sales recovery services
- Section 14-401.16 - Contaminate food or drink to render one mentally incapacitated or physically helpless
- Section 14-401.17 - Unlawful removal or destruction of electronic dog collars
- Section 14-401.18 - Sale of certain packages of cigarettes prohibited
- Section 14-401.18A - Sale of certain e-liquid containers prohibited
- Section 14-401.19 - Filing false security agreements
- Section 14-401.20 - Defrauding drug and alcohol screening tests; penalty
- Section 14-401.21 - Practicing "rebirthing technique"; penalty
- Section 14-401.22 - Concealment of death; disturbing human remains; dismembering human remains
- Section 14-401.23 - Unlawful manufacture, sale, delivery, or possession of Salvia divinorum
- Section 14-401.24 - Unlawful possession and use of unmanned aircraft systems
- Section 14-401.25 - Unlawful distribution of images
- Section 14-401.26 - TNC driver failure to display license plate information
- Section 14-401.27 - Impersonation of a transportation network company driver