No person shall knowingly and willfully keep upon his premises any plant or plant product infested or infected by any dangerous plant pest, or permit dangerous plants or plant parasites to mature seed or otherwise multiply upon his land, except under such regulations as the Board of Agriculture may prescribe. All such infested or infected plants and premises are hereby declared public nuisances. The owner of such plants or premises shall, when notified to do so by the Commissioner of Agriculture, take such measures as may be prescribed to eradicate such pests. The notice shall be in writing and shall be mailed to the usual or last known address, or left at the ordinary place of business, of the owner or his agent. If such person fails to comply with such notice within such reasonable time as the notice prescribes, the Commissioner of Agriculture, through his duly authorized agents, shall proceed to take such measures as shall be necessary to eradicate such pests, and shall compute the actual costs of labor and materials used in eradicating such pests, and the owner of the premises in question shall pay to the Commissioner of Agriculture such assessed costs. No damages shall be awarded the owner of such premises for entering thereon and destroying or otherwise treating any infected or infested plants or soil when done by the order of the Commissioner of Agriculture.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 106-421