N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-75.10

Current through Session Law 2024-56
Section 1-75.10 - Proof of service of summons, defendant appearing in action
(a) Where the defendant appears in the action and challenges the service of the summons upon him, proof of the service of process shall be as follows:
(1) Personal Service or Substituted Personal Service. -
a.If served by the sheriff of the county or the lawful process officer in this State where the defendant was found, by the officer's certificate thereof, showing place, time and manner of service; or
b. If served by any other person, his affidavit thereof, showing place, time and manner of service; his qualifications to make service under Rule 4(a) or Rule 4(j3) of the Rules of Civil Procedure; that he knew the person served to be the party mentioned in the summons and delivered to and left with him a copy; and if the defendant was not personally served, he shall state in such affidavit when, where and with whom such copy was left. If such service is made outside this State, the proof thereof may in the alternative be made in accordance with the law of the place where such service is made.
(2) Service of Publication. - In the case of publication, by the affidavit of the publisher or printer, or his foreman or principal clerk, showing the same and specifying the date of the first and last publication, and an affidavit of mailing of a copy of the complaint or notice, as the case may require, made by the person who mailed the same.
(3) Written Admission of Defendant. - The written admission of the defendant, whose signature or the subscription of whose name to such admission shall be presumptive evidence of genuineness.
(4) Service by Registered or Certified Mail. - In the case of service by registered or certified mail, by affidavit of the serving party averring:
a. That a copy of the summons and complaint was deposited in the post office for mailing by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested;
b. That it was in fact received as evidenced by the attached registry receipt or other evidence satisfactory to the court of delivery to the addressee; and
c. That the genuine receipt or other evidence of delivery is attached.
(5) Service by Designated Delivery Service. - In the case of service by designated delivery service, by affidavit of the serving party averring all of the following:
a. That a copy of the summons and complaint was deposited with a designated delivery service as authorized under G.S. 1A-1, Rule 4, delivery receipt requested.
b. That it was in fact received as evidenced by the attached delivery receipt or other evidence satisfactory to the court of delivery to the addressee.
c. That the delivery receipt or other evidence of delivery is attached.
(6) Service by Signature Confirmation. - In the case of service by signature confirmation as provided by the United States Postal Service, by affidavit of the serving party averring all of the following:
a. That a copy of the summons and complaint was deposited in the post office for mailing by signature confirmation.
b. That it was in fact received as evidenced by the attached proof of delivery obtained from the United States Postal Service, or other evidence satisfactory to the court of delivery to the addressee.
c. That the copy of the signature confirmation or other evidence of delivery is attached.
(b) As used in subdivision (5) of subsection (a) of this section, "delivery receipt" includes a facsimile receipt and a printout of an electronic receipt.

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-75.10

Amended by 2008N.C. Sess. Laws 36, s. 4, eff. 10/1/2008.
Amended by 2005 N.C. Sess. Laws 221, s. 3, eff. 10/1/2005.
Amended by 2001-379, s. 2.3, eff. 10/1/2001.
1967, c. 954, s. 2; 1969, c. 895, s. 14; 1973, c. 643; 1979, c. 525, s. 2; 1981, c. 540, ss.9, 10.