- Section 9-175 - Presidential and vice presidential electors. Write-in candidates and ballots
- Section 9-175a - Agreement Among the States to Elect the President of the United States by National Popular Vote
- Section 9-176 - Meeting of presidential electors
- Section 9-177 - Compensation of presidential electors
- Section 9-178 - Senator in Congress
- Section 9-179 - Representative in Congress
- Section 9-180 - [Repealed]
- Section 9-181 - State officers
- Section 9-182 - [Repealed]
- Section 9-183 - [Repealed]
- Section 9-183a - Number of justices of the peace, exceptions
- Section 9-183b - (Formerly Sec. 9-252). Nomination of justices of the peace by parties qualifying as major parties based on enrollment. Terms. Primaries
- Section 9-183c - Nomination of justices of the peace by parties qualifying as major parties based solely on gubernatorial vote. Terms. Primaries
- Section 9-184 - Vacancy in office of justice of the peace when justice nominated by a major party
- Section 9-184a and 9-184b - Reserved for future use
- Section 9-184c - Appointment as justices of the peace of electors who are not members of major parties. Terms. Vacancies
- Section 9-185 - Municipal officers
- Section 9-186 - Electoral status of municipal officers and justices of the peace
- Section 9-187 - Terms
- Section 9-187a - Date term to begin
- Section 9-188 - First selectman and selectmen. Election procedure. Dual candidacy prohibited. Minority representation; restricted voting. Tie vote
- Section 9-189 - Town clerks, treasurers and tax collectors
- Section 9-189a - Four-year terms for town clerks, registrars and treasurers
- Section 9-190 - Registrars of voters
- Section 9-190a - Election of registrars at state elections
- Section 9-190b - Temporary relief of registrar by Secretary of the State; procedure
- Section 9-190c - Removal of registrar
- Section 9-191 - Election of registrars for each voting district
- Section 9-192 - Deputy registrar. Registrar vacancy. Assistant registrars. Special assistant registrars
- Section 9-192a - Secretary of the State to establish program and criteria for certification of registrars. Committee to advise Secretary on programs and procedures for training, examining and certifying registrars, deputies and assistants. Training program for poll workers
- Section 9-192b - Designation of registrar, deputy or an assistant to receive instruction
- Section 9-193 - Registrar's oath
- Section 9-194 - Compensation of registrars, deputies and assistants
- Section 9-195 - Compensation of registrars and town clerks for duties as to enrollment
- Section 9-196 and 9-197 - [Repealed]
- Section 9-198 - [Repealed]
- Section 9-199 - Boards of assessment appeals. Alternate and additional members
- Section 9-200 - Constables
- Section 9-201 - Election of five-member boards of police commissioners
- Section 9-202 - Board of finance
- Section 9-203 - Number and term of members of boards of education
- Section 9-204 - Minority representation on board of education
- Section 9-204a - Nomination and voting for full number of board members to be elected authorized
- Section 9-204b - Optional alternative system for towns with four-year terms for board of education
- Section 9-205 - Election of board of education when number of members revised
- Section 9-206 - Election of board of education in towns adopting biennial elections. Alternate rotation of terms and length of terms permitted
- Section 9-206a - Optional number of members and terms of boards of education
- Section 9-207 - Library directors
- Section 9-208 - [Repealed]
- Section 9-209 - Certificate filed with secretary when planning or zoning members to be elected
- Section 9-210 - Incompatible town offices