Conn. Gen. Stat. § 45a-669

Current with legislation from 2024 effective through July 1, 2024.
Section 45a-669 - (Formerly Sec. 45-321). Definitions

As used in sections 45a-669 to 45a-683, inclusive:

(1) "Plenary guardian" means a person, legally authorized state official, corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other entity recognized under the laws of this state, whether or not operated for profit, except a hospital, nursing home facility, as defined in section 19a-521, or residential care home, as defined in section 19a-521, appointed by a Probate Court pursuant to the provisions of sections 45a-669 to 45a-683, inclusive, to supervise all aspects of the care of an adult person, as enumerated in subsection (d) of section 45a-677, for the benefit of such adult, who by reason of the severity of intellectual disability, has been determined to be totally unable to meet essential requirements for his or her physical health or safety and totally unable to make informed decisions about matters related to his or her care.
(2) "Legally competent" means having the legal power to direct one's personal and financial affairs. All persons in this state eighteen years of age and over are legally competent unless determined otherwise by a court in accordance with the provisions of sections 45a-669 to 45a-683, inclusive, or unless otherwise provided by law.
(3) "Limited guardian" means a person, legally authorized state official, corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other entity recognized under the laws of this state, whether or not operated for profit, except a hospital or nursing home, as defined in section 19a-521, appointed by a Probate Court pursuant to the provisions of sections 45a-669 to 45a-683, inclusive, to supervise certain specified aspects of the care of an adult person, as enumerated in subsection (d) of section 45a-677, for the benefit of such adult, who by reason of the severity of intellectual disability, has been determined to be able to do some, but not all, of the tasks necessary to meet essential requirements for his or her physical health or safety or to make some, but not all, informed decisions about matters related to his or her care.
(4) "Intellectual disability" has the same meaning as provided in section 1-1g.
(5) "Respondent" means an adult person for whom a petition for guardianship or limited guardianship of the person has been filed.
(6) "Unable to meet essential requirements for his or her physical health or safety" means the inability through one's own efforts and through acceptance of assistance from family, friends and other available private and public sources, to meet one's needs for medical care, nutrition, clothing, shelter, hygiene or safety so that, in the absence of a guardian, serious physical injury, illness or disease is likely to occur.
(7) "Unable to make informed decisions about matters related to his or her care" means the inability of a person with intellectual disability to achieve a rudimentary understanding, after conscientious efforts at explanation, of information necessary to make decisions about his or her need for physical or mental health care, food, clothing, shelter, hygiene, protection from physical abuse or harm, or other care.
(8) "Unable to manage his or her finances" means the inability of a person with intellectual disability to receive and evaluate information or make or communicate decisions to such an extent that the person is unable, even with appropriate assistance, to perform the functions inherent in managing his or her finances.
(9) "Protected person" means a person for whom a guardianship is granted under sections 45a-669 to 45a-683, inclusive.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 45a-669

(P.A. 82-337, S. 2; P.A. 86-323, S. 1; P.A. 03-51, S. 2; P.A. 11-129, S. 20; P.A. 13-208, S. 59; P.A. 16-49, S. 1; P.A. 17-136, S. 18.)

Amended by P.A. 17-0136, S. 18 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2017 Regular Session, eff. 1/1/2018.
Amended by P.A. 16-0049, S. 1 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2016 Regular Session, eff. 10/1/2016.

Cited. 230 Conn. 828.