Conn. Gen. Stat. § 32-23qq

Current with legislation from 2024 effective through June 6, 2024.
Section 32-23qq - Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund. Subfunds
(a) An Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund is created. The state, acting through Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated, or any subsidiary of the corporation may provide grants, loans, lines of credit or loan guarantees to municipalities or businesses from the Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund for the purposes of pollution prevention activities, as defined in section 32-23rr, for purchases and the costs associated with compliance with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 ( 42 USC 7401, et seq.), as amended, or for remediation of contaminated real property. Within the Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund, a loan subfund is created solely to provide loans and lines of credit as provided in this section, a guarantee subfund is created solely to provide loan guarantees as provided in this section and a grant subfund is created solely to provide grants as provided under this section. No financial assistance, nor any commitment to provide financial assistance, shall be provided by or entered into by the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation pursuant to sections 32-23pp to 32-23ss, inclusive, which would cause the aggregate amount of all such financial assistance and commitments then outstanding to exceed the sum of the amounts in the applicable subfund of the Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund plus the amount of any unpaid grants authorized to be made by the Department of Economic and Community Development to the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation for deposit in the applicable subfund of the Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund, provided the amount of financial assistance in the form of any guarantee shall be measured by the portion of unpaid loan principal which is guaranteed by the corporation. Notwithstanding the above, the aggregate amount of financial assistance in the form of guarantees and commitments with respect thereto, calculated as above, may be up to four times the sum of the amounts available in the guarantee subfund of the Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund plus the amount of any unpaid grants which remain available and are specifically designated by the department for purposes of such subfund pursuant to the bond authorization in section 32-23ss. For the purposes of this section, "business" means any business which (1) has gross revenues of less than twenty-five million dollars in its fiscal year ending prior to the application for any such loans, lines of credit or loan guarantees, or (2) has fewer than one hundred fifty employees. Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated or any subsidiary of the corporation shall charge and collect interest on each such loan or line of credit at a rate to be determined in accordance with procedures adopted pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. Payments made by businesses on all loans, lines of credit and loan guarantees shall be paid to the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation for deposit in the Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund.
(b) Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated and any subsidiary of the corporation shall adopt written procedures, in accordance with the provisions of section 1-121, to carry out the provisions of this section. Such procedures shall establish requirements for grants, loans, guarantees, interest, repayment terms, security requirements, default and remedies and such other terms and conditions as the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation shall deem appropriate.
(c) Each such grant, loan, guarantee or extension of credit shall be authorized by Connecticut Innovations, Incorporated or any subsidiary of the corporation or, if the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation so determines, by a committee of the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation consisting of the chairman and either one other member of the corporation or subsidiary or its chief executive officer, as specified in the determination of the corporation or subsidiary. Any administrative expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this section, to the extent not paid by the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation or from moneys appropriated to the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation, shall be paid from the Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund. Payments from the Environmental Assistance Revolving Loan Fund to businesses or municipalities or to pay such administrative expenses shall be made by the corporation or any subsidiary of the corporation upon certification by the chairman of the corporation or such subsidiary that the payment is authorized under the provisions of this section, under the applicable rules and regulations of the corporation or subsidiary, and, if made to a business or municipality under the terms and conditions established by the corporation or subsidiary or the duly appointed committee thereof in authorizing the making of the grant, loan or the extension of credit.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 32-23qq

( P.A. 91-376, S. 2, 10; P.A. 93-360, S. 8, 19; 93-382, S. 11, 69; P.A. 94-198, S. 11, 13; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; 95-334, S. 4, 13; P.A. 96-132, S. 3, 5; 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; P.A. 97-124, S. 5, 16; P.A. 98-92; 98-253, S. 9; June 12 Sp. Sess. P.A. 12-1, S. 152; P.A. 13-123, S. 23.)