Section 22a-109 - Coastal site plans. Review(a) A coastal site plan shall be filed with the municipal zoning commission to aid in determining the conformity of a proposed building, use, structure or shoreline flood and erosion control structure, as defined in subsection (c) of this section, fully or partially within the coastal boundary, with the specific provisions of the zoning regulations of the municipality and the provisions of sections 22a-105 and 22a-106, and in the case of shoreline flood and erosion control structures, the provisions of sections 22a-359 to 22a-363, inclusive, and any regulations adopted thereunder. A coastal site plan required under this section may be modified or denied if it fails to comply with the requirements already set forth in the zoning regulations of the municipality and, in addition, the coastal site plan may be modified, conditioned or denied in accordance with the procedures and criteria listed in sections 22a-105 and 22a-106. A coastal site plan for a shoreline flood and erosion control structure may be modified, conditioned or denied if it fails to comply with the requirements, standards and criteria of sections 22a-359 to 22a-363, inclusive, and any regulations adopted thereunder. A coastal site plan for a shoreline flood and erosion structure shall be approved if the record demonstrates and the commission makes specific written findings that such structure is necessary and unavoidable for the protection of infrastructural facilities, cemetery or burial grounds, water-dependent uses fundamental to habitability or primary use of such property or inhabited structures or structure additions constructed as of January 1, 1995, that there is no feasible, less environmentally damaging alternative and that all reasonable mitigation measures and techniques are implemented to minimize adverse environmental impacts. Review of a coastal site plan under the requirements of this section shall supersede any review required by the municipality under subsection (g) of section 8-3 and shall be in addition to any applicable zoning regulations of any special district exercising zoning authority under special act. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to limit the authority of the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection under sections 22a-359 to 22a-363, inclusive.(b) The zoning commission may by regulation exempt any or all of the following uses from the coastal site plan review requirements of this chapter: (1) Minor additions to or modifications of existing buildings or detached accessory buildings, such as garages and utility sheds; (2) construction of new or modification of existing structures incidental to the enjoyment and maintenance of residential property including but not limited to walks, terraces, elevated decks, driveways, swimming pools, tennis courts, docks and detached accessory buildings; (3) construction of new or modification of existing on-premise structures including fences, walls, pedestrian walks and terraces, underground utility connections, essential electric, gas, telephone, water and sewer service lines, signs and such other minor structures as will not substantially alter the natural character of coastal resources or restrict access along the public beach; (4) construction of an individual single-family residential structure except when such structure is located on an island not connected to the mainland by an existing road bridge or causeway or except when such structure is in or within one hundred feet of the following coastal resource areas: Tidal wetlands, coastal bluffs and escarpments and beaches and dunes; (5) activities conducted for the specific purpose of conserving or preserving soil, vegetation, water, fish, shellfish, wildlife and other coastal land and water resources; (6) interior modifications to buildings; and (7) minor changes in use of a building, structure or property except those changes occurring on property adjacent to or abutting coastal waters. Gardening, grazing and the harvesting of crops shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, shoreline flood and erosion control structures as defined in subsection (c) of this section shall not be exempt from the requirements of this chapter.(c) For the purposes of this section, "shoreline flood and erosion control structure" means any structure the purpose or effect of which is to control flooding or erosion from tidal, coastal or navigable waters and includes breakwaters, bulkheads, groins, jetties, revetments, riprap, seawalls and the placement of concrete, rocks or other significant barriers to the flow of flood waters or the movement of sediments along the shoreline. The term shall not include: (1) Any addition, reconstruction, change or adjustment to any walled and roofed building which is necessary for such building to comply with the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 44, Part 50, and any municipal regulation adopted thereunder, or (2) any activity, including, but not limited to, living shorelines projects, for which the primary purpose or effect is the restoration or enhancement of tidal wetlands, beaches, dunes or intertidal flats.(d) A copy of each coastal site plan submitted for any shoreline flood and erosion control structure shall be referred to the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection within fifteen days of its receipt by the zoning commission. The day of receipt shall be determined in accordance with subsection (c) of section 8-7d. The commissioner may comment on and make recommendations on such plans. Such comments and recommendations shall be submitted to the zoning commission within thirty-five days of the date of receipt of the coastal site plan by the commissioner and shall be considered by the zoning commission before final action on the plan. If the commissioner fails to comment on a plan within the thirty-five-day period or any extension granted by the zoning commission, the zoning commission may take final action on such plan. Failure to comment by the commissioner shall not be construed to be approval or disapproval.(e) The zoning commission may, at its discretion, hold a hearing on a coastal site plan required by this section. The commission shall hold a hearing on a coastal site plan for a shoreline flood and erosion control structure upon the request of the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection.(f) The zoning commission shall set forth the reasons for any decision to deny, modify or condition a coastal site plan submitted under this section. A copy of any decision shall be sent by certified mail to the person who submitted such plan within fifteen days after such decision is rendered. A copy of any decision on a coastal site plan for a shoreline flood and erosion control structure shall be sent to the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection within fifteen days after such decision is rendered. The commission shall publish notice of the approval or denial of a coastal site plan, in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality, not more than fifteen days after such decision is rendered.(g) The coastal site plan review required under this section shall be subject to the same statutory requirements as subsections (a) and (b) of section 8-7d for the purposes of determining the time limitations on the zoning commission in reaching a final decision.(h) In addition to the requirements of subsection (f) of section 8-3, no building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a building, use or structure subject to the zoning regulations of a municipality and located fully or partially within the coastal boundary, or for any shoreline flood and erosion control structure as defined in subsection (c) of this section, and located fully or partially within the coastal boundary, without certification in writing by the official charged with enforcement of such regulations that such building, use, structure or shoreline flood and erosion control structure has been reviewed and approved in accordance with the requirements of this chapter or is a use exempt from such review under regulations adopted by the zoning commission in accordance with this section.(i) A municipality by vote of its legislative body may delegate its responsibility for coastal site plan review under this section to a special district exercising zoning authority under special act for the area within both the coastal boundary and limits of the special district, subject to acceptance by the special district of such responsibility following the procedures listed in section 7-327. The municipality may revoke the delegation of such responsibilities and the special district may also revoke acceptance of such responsibility under this subsection at any time. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, the town of Groton shall delegate authority for coastal site plan review to the Noank fire district.(j) A municipal zoning commission reviewing, in accordance with this section, a coastal site plan for a building use, structure, or shoreline flood and erosion control structure occurring within the limits of a special district exercising zoning authority under special act shall provide a copy of the coastal site plan to the chief elected official of such district and shall provide an adequate opportunity for comment by such official prior to making a final decision on the coastal site plan. A special district delegated the responsibility for coastal site plan reviews in accordance with subsection (i) of this section shall provide a copy of any coastal site plan submitted for its review to the municipal zoning commission of the town in which the project is to occur and shall provide an adequate opportunity for comment by the zoning commission prior to making a final decision on the coastal site plan.Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-109
(P.A. 79-535, S. 15, 25; P.A. 82-250, S. 4, 6; P.A. 83-525, S. 4, 5; P.A. 87-495, S. 1; P.A. 05-288, S. 96; P.A. 11-80, S. 1; P.A. 12-101, S. 3; P.A. 13-179, S. 7.)
Cited. 222 Conn. 269; 225 C 432; 228 Conn. 187. Cited. 7 CA 684; 35 Conn.App. 317. Subsec. (d): Cited. 225 Conn. 1. Zoning board must consider recommendations or comments submitted by commissioner, but no indication in act or elsewhere that such recommendations or comments are binding on board. 112 Conn.App. 239. Subsec. (g) (former Subsec. (e)): Express incorporation of Sec. 8-7d(b) reflects intent to incorporate as well the presumption of Sec. 8-3(g) making the 65-day period mandatory. 192 Conn. 353. Any application under statute not expressly denied or modified within the statutory period is deemed approved by operation of law. Id., 367. Cited. 6 CA 284.