Conn. Gen. Stat. § 12-132

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 12-132 - Form and tax warrant

Warrants for the collection of taxes may be in the following form:

To A.B., collector of taxes of the (here insert the name of community laying the tax), in the county of ...., greeting: By authority of the state of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded forthwith to collect of each person named in the annexed list his proportion of the same, as therein stated, being a tax laid by (name of community), on the .... day of ...., A.D. 20... And you are to pay the amount of said tax, less abatements, and less taxes the lien for which has been continued by certificate to the treasurer of said (name of the community), on or before the .... day of ...., A.D. 20... And if any person fails to pay his proportion of said tax, upon demand, you are to levy upon his goods and chattels, and dispose of the same as the law directs; and after satisfying said tax and the lawful charges, return the surplus, if any, to him; and if such goods and chattels do not come to your knowledge, you are to levy upon his real estate, and sell enough thereof to pay his tax and the costs of levy, and give to the purchaser a deed thereof.

Dated at .... this .... day of ...., A.D. 20...


Judge of the Superior Court

or Justice of the peace.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 12-132

(1949 Rev., S. 1815; 1961, P.A. 517, S. 11; 1963, P.A. 471, S. 2; 1971, P.A. 11, S. 1; P.A. 74-183, S. 191, 291; P.A. 76-436, S. 167, 681; P.A. 13-276, S. 12.)

The form given need not be strictly pursued. 50 C. 81. Is in the nature of a final execution. 103 C. 260. Cited. 106 C. 230.