Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10a-88

Current with legislation from the 2024 Regular and Special Sessions.
Section 10a-88 - (Formerly Sec. 10-109a). Board of Trustees for the Connecticut State University System

Beginning on January 1, 2012, the Board of Regents for Higher Education shall serve as the Board of Trustees for the Connecticut State University System. The Board of Trustees for the Connecticut State University System that is in office on June 30, 2011, shall remain in office until December 31, 2011, to provide assistance in transitioning duties and responsibilities to the Board of Regents for Higher Education during the period of July 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011, any action of the Board of Trustees shall not be final until ratified by the Board of Regents for Higher Education. Until December 31, 2011, there shall be a Board of Trustees for the Connecticut State University System consisting of eighteen members, fourteen to be appointed by the Governor, who shall reflect the state's geographic, racial and ethnic diversity; two of whom shall be state college or Connecticut State University System alumni; and four students, one from each state university elected by the students enrolled at such state university. On or before July 1, 1983, the Governor shall appoint members to the board as follows: Five members, one of whom shall be a state college or Connecticut State University System alumnus, for a term of two years from said date; five members, one of whom shall be a state college or Connecticut State University System alumnus, for a term of four years from said date, and four members for a term of six years from said date. Thereafter the Governor shall appoint members of said board to succeed those appointees whose terms expire, such members to serve for terms of six years each from July first in the year of their appointment, provided two of the members appointed for terms commencing July 1, 1995, and their successors shall be state college or Connecticut State University System alumni, one of the members appointed for a term commencing July 1, 1997, and his or her successors shall be such alumni and two of the members appointed for terms commencing July 1, 1999, and their successors shall be such alumni. On and after July 1, 1999, the board shall at all times include at least one member from each county in which a state university is located.

(1) On or before November 1, 1975, the students enrolled at the institutions under the jurisdiction of the board shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect two members of the board, each of whom shall be enrolled as a full-time student at an institution under the jurisdiction of the board at the time of his or her election. One such member shall be elected for a term of one year from November 1, 1975, and one for a term of two years from said date. On or before November 1, 1976, until July 1, 1997, such students shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board, who shall be so enrolled at any such institution at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from November first in the year of his or her election, except that the term of the member due to expire on October 31, 1998, shall expire on October 31, 1997.
(2) On and after July 1, 1997, until June 30, 2007, the student members of the board shall be elected as follows:
(i) On or before November 1, 1997, the students enrolled at Central Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at such state university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of one year from said November first, and
(ii) on or before November 1, 1998, and biennially thereafter, the students enrolled at Central Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at such state university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from November first in the year of his or her election;
(i)on or before November 1, 1997, the students enrolled at Eastern Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at such state university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of one year from said November first, and
(ii) on or before November 1, 1998, and biennially thereafter, the students enrolled at Eastern Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from the November first in the year of his or her election;
(C) on or before November 1, 1997, and biennially thereafter, the students enrolled at Southern Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at such university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from the November first in the year of his or her election; and
(D) on or before November 1, 1997, and biennially thereafter, the students at Western Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at such state university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from the November first in the year of his or her election. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, the term of any student member elected pursuant to this subdivision during calendar year 2005 or 2006, shall terminate June thirtieth of the year in which such term is due to expire.
(3) On and after July 1, 2007, the student members of the board shall be elected as follows:
(A) On or before July 1, 2008, and biennially thereafter, the students enrolled at Central Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at said state university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from July first in the year of his or her election;
(B) on or before July 1, 2008, and biennially thereafter, the students enrolled at Eastern Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at said state university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from the July first in the year of his or her election;
(C) on or before July 1, 2007, and biennially thereafter, the students enrolled at Southern Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at said state university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from the July first in the year of his or her election; and
(D) on or before July 1, 2007, and biennially thereafter, the students at Western Connecticut State University shall, in such manner as the board determines, elect one member of the board who shall be a full-time student at said state university at the time of his or her election and who shall serve for a term of two years from the July first in the year of his or her election. If any student member of the board elected on or after November 1, 2001, ceases to be a matriculating student in good standing, either as a full-time undergraduate student or as a full-time or part-time graduate student, at the state university from which such student member was elected, the membership of such student shall terminate. If, on and after July 1, 2007, the membership of any such student member terminates, the students enrolled at the state university such student member represented shall, not later than thirty days after the membership terminates and in such manner as the board determines, elect a student member of the board who shall serve for the remainder of the term. The Governor shall, pursuant to section 4-9a, appoint the chairperson of the board. The board shall, biennially, elect from its members such other officers as it deems necessary. The Governor shall fill any vacancy in the appointed membership of the board by appointment for the balance of the unexpired term. Any vacancies in the elected membership of said board shall be filled by special election for the balance of the unexpired term. The members of said board shall receive no compensation for their services as such but shall be reimbursed for their necessary expenses in the course of their duties.

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10a-88

(February, 1965, P.A. 330, S. 29; P.A. 75-262, S. 3; 75-504, S. 3, 5; P.A. 82-218, S. 15, 39, 46; P.A. 83-587, S. 21, 96; P.A. 91-256, S. 53, 69; P.A. 94-97, S. 1, 4; P.A. 95-259, S. 22, 32; P.A. 97-247, S. 24, 27; P.A. 01-141, S. 5, 16; P.A. 07-19, S. 2; P.A. 11-48, S. 220.)

Amended by P.A. 11-0048, S. 220 of the the 2011 Regular Session, eff. 7/1/2011.

Annotation to former section 10-109a: Cited. 178 C. 579; decision overruled to the extent it maintains that sovereign immunity invariably bars suits against state for prospective injunctive relief of alleged constitutional violations unless such suits also request declaratory relief, see 184 C. 339.