To the sheriffs of our several counties or to their deputies or to a certified constable,
(SEAL) ........................; ........................; Greeting:
Whereas .................... by the consideration of the SUPERIOR COURT holden at .................... did on the .................... day of .................... recover judgment for the possession of .................... with the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging against .................... who had unjustly withholden .................... from the possession thereof, and also by the consideration of the same court recovered judgment against the said .................... for the sum of .................... costs of suit, as to us appears of record, whereof execution remains to be done: We command you, therefore, that without delay you cause the said .................... to have possession of and in the said .................... with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging. We also command you that of the goods and chattels and real estate of the said ...................., within your precinct, you cause to be levied and paid to the said .................... the aforesaid sum of ...................., and thereof also to satisfy yourself for your own fees; [and for want of the goods and chattels and real estate of the said .................... to be found in your precinct to satisfy and pay the same as aforesaid, we command you to take the body of the said .................... and .................... commit unto our correctional institution in your precinct, therein to be kept until .................... pay the full sum above mentioned, with your fees, or until .................... be discharged by the said .................... or otherwise by order of law.]
Hereof fail not, and make true return of this writ and of your doings thereon to our superior court at ............. on the ............. day of ............. A.D. ...........
Witness, the seal of our superior court at ............. this .......... day of .................... in the year ...........
, Clerk.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 9-25-9