R.I. Gen. Laws § 45-16-10
A special town constable shall also, at the request of any railroad company, or any proper officer or agent of these companies, and upon being paid the sum of thirty cents ($.30) for each hour of service required, attend at any regular steamboat wharf or landing, and any regular railroad passenger station, for the purpose of preventing the assembling, crowding, and remaining at those places of all idle, noisy, and disorderly persons to the obstruction, annoyance, and inconvenience of the common and public travel, going and returning by the way of those stations, and may arrest without warrant and detain not exceeding six (6) hours, any idle and noisy persons found by the town constable in the act of willfully and idly intruding at those places, and there remaining when commanded to depart by the constable.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 45-16-10