R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-47.3-2

Current through 2024 Public Law 457
Section 31-47.3-2 - Definitions

When used in this chapter:

(1) "Best available retrofit technology" means technology, verified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or California Air Resources Board (CARB) for achieving reductions in particulate matter emissions at the highest classification level for diesel emission control strategies that is applicable to the particular engine and application. Such technology shall not result in a net increase in nitrogen oxides.
(2) "Closed crankcase ventilation system (CCV)" means a system that separates oil and other contaminant from the blow-by gases and routes the blow-by gases into a diesel engine's intake system downstream of air filter.
(3) "CMAQ" means the federal congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program, reauthorized by congress in 2005 by Sections 1101, 1103 and 1808 of the safe, accountable, flexible, efficient transportation equity act: a legacy for users (SAFETEA-LU) (Pub.L. 109-59, Aug. 10, 2005). SAFETEA-LU requires states and metropolitan planning organizations to give priority in distributing CMAQ funds for diesel engine retrofit projects, as well as other cost-effective emission reduction and congestion mitigation activities that benefit air quality.
(4) "Contractor" means any person contracting directly or indirectly with the state to provide labor, services, materials and/or equipment for the performance of a public works contract. Contractor includes a prime contractor, subcontractor, and any contractor(s) hired by such subcontractor.
(5) "DEM" means the Rhode Island department of environmental management.
(6) "DERA" means the federal diesel emission reduction act, enacted by congress as sections 791 through 797 of the energy policy Act of 2005 (Pub. L. 109-58, Aug. 8, 2005).
(7) "Director" refers to the director of the department of environmental management (DEM).
(8) "DOT" means the Rhode Island department of transportation.
(9) "Equipment list" means a list of all equipment owned, rented, or leased to be used on site.
(10) "Fleet owner" means a person, business or the state that owns ten (10) or more heavy duty vehicles operating in Rhode Island. Included in the total are related businesses owned and operated by a person, business or state.
(11) "Full-sized school bus" means a school bus, as defined in Rhode Island general law § 31-1-3, which is a type 1 diesel school bus, including spare buses operated by or under contract to a school district, but not including emergency contingency vehicles or low usage vehicles.
(12) "Heavy duty vehicle" or "vehicle" means any on-road or nonroad vehicle powered by diesel fuel and having a gross vehicle weight of greater than fourteen thousand (14,000) pounds, or in the case of a nonroad vehicle, powered by diesel fuel and an engine with a rating of at least seventy-five (75) horsepower, including, but not limited to, non-stationary generators.
(13) "Inventory list" means a list of all equipment owned, rented, or leased by a contractor.
(14) "Level 1 control" means a verified diesel emission control device that achieves a particulate matter (PM) reduction of twenty-five percent (25%) or more compared to uncontrolled engine emissions levels.
(15) "Level 2 control" means a verified diesel emission control device that achieves a particulate matter (PM) emission reduction of fifty percent (50%) or more compared to uncontrolled engine emission levels.
(16) "Level 3 control" means a verified diesel emission control device that achieves a particulate matter (PM) emission reduction of eighty-five percent (85%) or more compared to uncontrolled engine emission levels, or that reduces emissions to less than or equal to one one-hundredth (0.01) grams of (PM) per brake horsepower-hour. Level 3 control includes repowering or replacing the existing diesel engine with an engine meeting US EPA's 2007 Heavy-duty Highway Diesel Standards, published in the federal register at 66 Fed. Reg. 5001 (January 18, 2001), or in the case of a nonroad engine, an engine meeting the US EPA's Tier 4 Nonroad Diesel Standards, published in the federal register at 69 Fed. Reg. 38957 (June 19, 2004).
(17) "Model year 2007 emission standards" means engine standards promulgated by the federal Environmental Protection Agency in 40 CFR Parts 69, 80 and 86.
(18) "Public works contract" means a contract with a state agency for a construction program or project involving the construction, demolition, restoration, rehabilitation, repair, renovation, or abatement of any building, structure, tunnel, excavation, roadway, park or bridge; a contract with a state agency regarding the preparation for any construction program or project involving the construction, demolition, restoration, rehabilitation, repair, renovation, or abatement of any building, structure, tunnel, excavation, roadway, park or bridge; or a contract with a state agency for any final work involved in the completion of any construction program or project involving the construction, demolition, restoration, rehabilitation, repair, renovation, or abatement of any building, structure, tunnel, excavation, roadway, park or bridge.
(19) "State agency" means each state board, commission, department, or officer, other than quasi-public corporations, the legislature or the courts, authorized by law to make rules or to determine contested cases.
(20) The "state" shall mean state agencies or when related to "contractors" in this statute, the "state" shall mean the procuring agency or procuring agent.
(21) "Ultra low sulfur diesel fuel" means diesel fuel having sulfur content of fifteen parts per million (15ppm) of sulfur or less, as defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at 40 CFR section 80.520.
(22) "Verified emissions control device" means a device that has been verified by the federal Environmental Protection Agency or the California Air Resources Board to reduce particulate matter emissions by a given amount.

R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-47.3-2

P.L. 2007 , ch. 177, § 1; P.L. 2007 , ch. 219, § 1; P.L. 2010 , ch. 171, § 2; P.L. 2010 , ch. 184, § 2; P.L. 2010 , ch. 239, § 32.