(a) For the purposes of this section and sections 83 and 84, the following terms shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings: "Association", the Credit Union Employees Retirement Association formed pursuant to this section.
"Credit union" or "credit unions", any or all of:
(i) a bank or credit union chartered by the commonwealth; (ii) such bank or credit union that has converted to a federal charter; (iii) a bank or credit union chartered by the federal government, by a state of the United States other than the commonwealth or by the District of Columbia; (iv) the Cooperative Credit Union Association, Inc. and its successors; (v) the Massachusetts Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation; (vi) other banking or credit union institutions as may from time to time be provided for in the by-laws of the association; and (vii) the respective employees of each of the organizations listed in this definition. "Customer", any person or business who has established a contractual relationship for banking business purposes with any credit union located in the commonwealth that is a member of the association.
"Directors of a credit union", the governing body of each member organization of the association.