Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 159B § 21

Current through Chapter 373 of the 2024 Legislative Session, with the exception of Acts not available as of 1/14/2025
Section 159B:21 - Violations

Whoever violates any provision of this chapter, or any order, rule or regulation adopted or established thereunder, or any lawful requirement, condition, limitation or restriction contained in any certificate, permit or license, shall be punished, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, for a first offense by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and for any subsequent offense by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars; and, in addition, the supreme judicial and superior courts shall severally have jurisdiction in equity to restrain any such violation upon petition of the department, or of any person, organization or body politic affected by such violation.

Any such person, organization or body politic may file with the department a complaint of any such violation, and the department shall within seven calendar days investigate such complaint, and shall within fourteen calendar days issue an order for remedial action if warranted or shall order hearings to be conducted within a period of twenty-one calendar days from the date of the department's order. Continuances of hearings on such complaint for any reason shall not be allowed beyond a period of twenty-one calendar days from the date of the last preceding hearing date. Upon completion of all hearings deemed necessary the department shall render a decision no later than ninety days from the date of the last hearing held on such a complaint. The department may hold a hearing on the question of revocation of the certificate, permit or license of any motor carrier, broker or interstate licensee complained against and may institute in any court of the commonwealth in the county or district wherein the carrier shall have a place of business, or in the county or district wherein the violation occurred, such action, suit or complaint as may be necessary to enforce compliance with any provision of this chapter or any rule, regulation or order of the department thereunder, or any lawful requirement, condition, limitation or restriction contained in any certificate, permit or license.

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 159B, § 21