Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 118E § 13D

Current through Chapter 205 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 118E:13D - Duties of ratemaking authority; determination of rates to be paid by governmental units to health care services providers

The executive office, or a governmental unit designated to perform ratemaking functions by the executive office shall: (i) determine, after public hearing, at least annually for institutional providers, and at least biennially for non-institutional providers, the rates to be paid by each governmental unit to providers of health care services and social service programs, provided, however, that for the purposes of this section, social service program providers shall be treated as non-institutional providers; (ii) determine, after public hearing, at least annually, the rates to be charged by each state institution for general health supplies, care or rehabilitative services and accommodations; (iii) certify to each affected governmental unit the rates so determined; (iv) determine, after public hearing, at least annually, and certify to the division of industrial accidents of the department of labor and industries, rates of payment for general health supplies, care or rehabilitative services and accommodations, which rates shall be paid for services under chapter 152; (v) upon request of the division of insurance, assist the division of insurance in the performance of its duties as set forth in section 4 of chapter 176B; and (vi) may establish fair and reasonable classifications upon which any rates may be based for rest homes, nursing homes and convalescent homes; provided, however, that the executive office shall not cause a decrease in a rate or add a penalty to a rate because such home has an equity position which is less than 0.

Such rates for nursing homes and rest homes, as defined under section 71 of chapter 111, shall be established as of October 1 of each year. In setting such rates, the executive office shall use as base year costs for rate determination purposes the reported costs of the calendar year not more than 4 years prior to the current rate year, adjusted for reasonableness and to incorporate any audit findings applicable to said base year costs. In any appeal of rates under section 13E, the petitioner shall not be permitted to introduce into the records of such an appeal evidence of costs for any year other than the base year used to establish the rate. Notwithstanding any other general or special law or regulation to the contrary, except as provided in this chapter, each governmental unit shall pay to a provider of services and each state institution shall charge as a provider of health care services, as the case may be, the rates for general health supplies, care and rehabilitative services and accommodations determined and certified by the executive office. In establishing rates of payment to providers of services, the executive office shall control rate increases and shall impose such methods and standards as are necessary to ensure reimbursement for those costs which must be incurred by efficiently and economically operated facilities and providers.

Such methods and standards may include, but shall not be limited to, the following: peer group cost analyses; ceilings on capital and operating costs; productivity standards; caps or other limitations on the utilization of temporary nursing or other personnel services; use of national or regional indices to measure increases or decreases in reasonable costs; limits on administrative costs associated with the use of management companies; the availability of discounts for large volume purchasers; the revision of existing historical cost bases, where applicable, to reflect norms or models of efficient service delivery; and other means to encourage the cost-efficient delivery of services. Rates produced using these methods and standards shall be in conformance with Title XIX, including the upper limit on provider payments.

In determining rates to be paid by governmental units to providers of services, the executive office shall include as an operating expense of a provider of services any contribution made in lieu of taxes by such provider of services to a city or town and shall establish by regulation those expenses treated as business deductions under the Internal Revenue Code, which shall be included as allowable operating expenses in determining rates of reimbursement. Except for ceilings or maximum rates of reimbursement, which are determined in accordance with rate determination methods imposed on nursing homes, any ceiling or maximum imposed by the executive office upon the rate of reimbursement to be paid to rest homes shall reflect the actual costs of rest home providers and shall not prevent any such rest home provider from receiving full payment for costs necessarily incurred in the provision of services in compliance with federal or state regulations and requirements.

In determining rates to be paid by governmental units to acute-care hospitals, as defined in section 25B of chapter 111, and any hospital or separate unit of a hospital that provides acute psychiatric services, as defined in said section 25B, the executive office shall include as an operating expense the reasonable cost of providing competent interpreter services as required by section 25J of said chapter 111 or section 23A of chapter 123.

No hospital shall receive reimbursement or payment from any governmental unit for amounts paid to employees, as salary, or to consultant or other firms, as fees, where the primary responsibility of the employees or consultants is, either directly or indirectly, to persuade or seek to persuade the employees of the hospital to support or oppose unionization. Attorney's fees for services rendered in dealing directly with a union, in advising hospital management of its responsibilities under the National Labor Relations Act, or for services at an administrative agency or court or for services by an attorney in preparation for the agency or in court proceeding shall not be support or opposition to unionization.

The executive office shall establish rates on a prospective basis, subject to rules and regulations promulgated by the executive office.

In establishing rates for nursing pools under section 72Y of chapter 111, the executive office shall establish annually the limit for the rate for service provided by nursing pools to licensed facilities. The executive office shall establish industry-wide class rates for such services and shall establish separate class rates for services provided to nursing facilities and hospitals. The executive office shall establish separate rates for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and certified nursing assistants. The executive office may establish rates by geographic region.

The rates shall include an allowance for wages, payroll taxes and fringe benefits, which shall be based upon, and shall not exceed, median wages, payroll taxes and fringe benefits paid to permanent medical personnel of the same type at health care facilities in the same geographic region. The rates shall also include an allowance for reasonable administrative expenses and a reasonable profit factor, as determined by the executive office. The executive office may exempt from the rates certain categories, as defined by the executive office, of fixed-term employees that work exclusively at a particular health care facility for a period of at least 90 days and for whose services there is a contract between a facility and a nursing pool registered with the department of public health. The executive office shall establish procedures by which nursing pools shall submit cost reports, which may be subject to audit, to the executive office to establish rates. The executive office shall determine the nursing pool rate contained in this paragraph by considering wage and benefit data collected from cost reports received from nursing pools and from health care facilities and other relevant information gathered through other collection tools or reasonable methodologies.

Except as otherwise provided in this section any person aggrieved by any rate determination made under this section shall have a right of appeal as provided under section 13E.

The executive office may enter into such contracts or agreements with the federal government, a political subdivision of the commonwealth or any public or private corporation or organization, as it deems necessary; provided, however, that the executive office shall not enter into any contract or agreement with a private corporation or organization to furnish information and statistical data to be used by said executive office as its sole basis for setting rates, if such private corporation or organization is to make or receive payments based upon the rates so set.

Each governmental unit shall cooperate with the executive office at all times in the furtherance of the executive office's purposes. Each state institution shall permit the executive office or any designated representatives of the executive office, to examine its books and accounts and shall file with the executive office from time to time or upon request such data, statistics, schedules or other information as the executive office may reasonably require.

Each rate established by the executive office shall be a regulation and shall be subject to review as hereinafter provided. The executive office shall promulgate rules and regulations for the administration of its duties and the determination of rates as are herein required subject to the procedures prescribed by chapter 30A. Every rate, classification and other regulation established by the executive office shall be consistent where applicable with the principles of reimbursement for provider costs in effect from time to time under Titles XVIII and XIX of the federal Social Security Act governing reimbursements or grants available to the commonwealth, its departments, agencies, boards, divisions or political subdivisions for general health supplies, care and rehabilitative services and accommodations.

In the event that any aggregate rates certified by the executive office exceed the upper limit of payment in effect for any period under Titles XVIII or Title XIX of the Social Security Act or any other requirement of said Titles, where applicable, the executive office shall re-determine and recertify any such aggregate rates in order to bring them into compliance with such federal requirement for the entire period during which such upper limit is effective.

This section shall not apply to acute or non-acute hospitals; provided, however, that this section shall apply to acute and non-acute hospitals for services under the workers' compensation act.

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 118E, § 13D

Added by Acts 2012, c. 224,§ 123, eff. 11/4/2012.
See Acts 2015, c. 46, § 209.