Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 32:1 - Definitions
- Section 32:2 - Description of retirement systems
- Section 32:3 - Membership
- Section 32:3A - Persons not eligible for membership in state retirement system
- Section 32:4 - Creditable service
- Section 32:5 - Superannuation retirement
- Section 32:5A - Wellness program
- Section 32:5B - Early intervention plans; rehabilitation plans
- Section 32:6 - Ordinary disability retirement
- Section 32:7 - Accidental disability retirement
- Section 32:8 - Evaluation and reexamination of members retired for disability
- Section 32:9 - Accidental death benefit
- Section 32:10 - Resignation, failure of re-election or reappointment, removal or discharge
- Section 32:11 - Return of accumulated total deductions and amounts due beneficiaries of deceased members
- Section 32:12 - Options on retirement
- Section 32:12A - Payment of allowances to certain beneficiaries pending determination of accidental death benefits
- Section 32:12B - Spouse and children; survivor benefits
- Section 32:12C - Widow and children survivor benefits; manner of payment; contributions
- Section 32:12D - Benefits to be paid by retirement system
- Section 32:13 - Payment of allowances
- Section 32:14 - Effect of workers' compensation benefits
- Section 32:14A - Third-party recovery
- Section 32:15 - Dereliction of duty by members
- Section 32:16 - Involuntary retirement; right to a hearing; right of review or appeal
- Section 32:17 - Action on behalf of incompetent members
- Section 32:18 - Filing of statements and reports; protection against fraud
- Section 32:19 - Exemption from taxation, attachments and assignments; exception
- Section 32:19A - Assignment of retirement allowances for certain subscriber premiums or for payment of income taxes
- Section 32:19B - Withholding for payment of insurance premiums; certification of eligible members; death; payment of benefits
- Section 32:19C - Annuity, retirement allowance, etc. subject to child support obligations; payments to IV-D agency
- Section 32:20 - Administration by boards
- Section 32:20A - Civil action against board member; expenses and damages; indemnification
- Section 32:20B - Indemnification
- Section 32:20C - Retirement board member statement of financial interest
- Section 32:21 - Supervision by public employee retirement administration commission
- Section 32:21A - Debarment or suspension of contractors or vendors
- Section 32:22 - Methods of financing
- Section 32:22B - Reduction of unfunded pension liability
- Section 32:22C - Commonwealth's Pension Liability Fund; funding schedules; appropriations
- Section 32:22D - Retirement system funding schedule; establishment; annual pension funding grants
- Section 32:22E - Statutory adjustment to commonwealth pension liability
- Section 32:22F - Revised retirement system funding schedule
- Section 32:23 - Management of funds
- Section 32:23B - Procurement contracts
- Section 32:24 - Violations of contributory retirement laws
- Section 32:25 - Guarantees; effects of amendments or repeal; mandamus
- Section 32:26 - Retirement of officers in department of state police
- Section 32:27 - Disposition of funds as of January 1, 1946
- Section 32:28 - Acceptance of act
- Section 32:28A - Retirement of certain officers in department of state police
- Section 32:28I - State employees serving on interstate commission; continuance as members of retirement system
- Section 32:28K - Commonwealth employees; leave of absence as representative of employee organization; creditable service
- Section 32:28M - Department of correction employees; retirement
- Section 32:28N - Correction or jail officers employed by county sheriffs' offices; retirement
- Section 32:39 - Association for providing pensions
- Section 32:40 - By-laws and statements
- Section 32:41 - Exemption from taxation; exception
- Section 32:42 - Municipalities in which teacher pensions authorized; pension fund
- Section 32:43 - Power of retirement board; persons qualified; amount of pensions
- Section 32:44 - Municipal pensions for school janitors; authorization; amount of pension
- Section 32:44A - Retirement of janitors not in contributory retirement system; authorization; amount of pension
- Section 32:44B - School janitors; options; widows; approval
- Section 32:44C - Dental assistants, retirement by cities or towns
- Section 32:45 - Boston, inapplicability of law
- Section 32:45A - Amount of pension
- Section 32:45B - School janitors and school custodians in certain cities and towns
- Section 32:45C - Amount of pensions; limitation; effective date
- Section 32:46 - Officers and employees of correctional institutions; prerequisites to retirement
- Section 32:47 - Computation of time of service
- Section 32:48 - Amount of pension
- Section 32:52 - Veterans in municipal service
- Section 32:53 - Veterans employed jointly by two towns
- Section 32:54 - Acceptance of two preceding sections
- Section 32:55 - Acceptance subject to mayor's veto
- Section 32:56 - Veterans; retirement if incapacitated
- Section 32:57 - Retirement after ten years' service
- Section 32:57A - Certain provisions of secs. 6, 8 and 16 applicable to certain veterans
- Section 32:57B - Police or fire department members; creditable service; effective date of section
- Section 32:58 - Retirement after thirty years' service
- Section 32:58A - Wartime service in armed forces as creditable service
- Section 32:58B - Election of option for benefit of surviving spouse or other beneficiary of veteran
- Section 32:58C - Retirement allowances of policemen and firemen
- Section 32:58D - Retirement allowances of employees other than policemen and firemen
- Section 32:59 - "Retiring authority" defined
- Section 32:59A - Part of service in governmental unit other than retiring unit; reimbursement
- Section 32:60 - Acceptance of secs. 56 to 59, etc
- Section 32:65A - Retirement or resignation of justices or judges
- Section 32:65B - Pensions for special justices of district courts
- Section 32:65C - Surviving spouses of judges
- Section 32:65D - Retirement or resignation of judges appointed on or after Jan. 2, 1975
- Section 32:65D 1/2 - Members inactive of retirement system appointed justices or judges; election of membership in retirement system
- Section 32:65E - Retired justices of supreme judicial court; benefits; temporary service
- Section 32:65F - Retired justices of appeals court; benefits; temporary service
- Section 32:65G - Justices of trial court; benefits; temporary service
- Section 32:65H - Early retirement allowance for judges
- Section 32:65I - Disability retirement for judges
- Section 32:65J - Retiring judges; payments for unused vacation allowance and sick leave credit
- Section 32:66 - Pensions for court officers
- Section 32:67 - Pensions and expenses, how paid
- Section 32:71 - Annuities to dependents
- Section 32:72 - Appropriations for pensions, etc
- Section 32:74 - Scrubwomen in state house
- Section 32:75 - Pensions for probation officers
- Section 32:76 - Amount of pension; counties liable; apportionment
- Section 32:76A - Amount of pension; counties liable for payment; apportionment
- Section 32:77 - Pensions for laborers generally
- Section 32:77A - Superannuation retirement; options for payment of pension
- Section 32:77B - Amount of pensions; effective date
- Section 32:77C - Persons promoted to supervisory positions
- Section 32:77D - Retirement of laborers not in contributory retirement system; authorization; amount of pension
- Section 32:78 - Laborers in fire, water and sewerage districts or employed by joint water boards
- Section 32:78A - Laborers to which applicable
- Section 32:79 - Existing pensions
- Section 32:80 - Pensions for firemen in cities; firemen to which law applicable
- Section 32:81 - Amount of pension
- Section 32:81A - Alternative provisions as to retirement of firemen in cities
- Section 32:81B - Amount of pensions under sec. 81A
- Section 32:82 - Pensions for call members
- Section 32:83 - Pensions for police in cities
- Section 32:83A - Alternative provisions for retirement of police in cities
- Section 32:84 - Retirement of injured police officers in cities and towns having no pension systems
- Section 32:85 - Pensions for policemen and firemen in towns
- Section 32:85A - Retirement of members of fire and police department in certain towns
- Section 32:85B - Retirement of park board police of cities and towns
- Section 32:85C - Policemen and firemen excepted from law
- Section 32:85D - Retirement of call members in certain towns
- Section 32:85E - Alternative provisions as to retirement of policemen and firemen in towns
- Section 32:85F - Examination by medical panel prerequisite to disability retirement
- Section 32:85G - Service credit on retirement of former reserve officers
- Section 32:85H - Disability retirement of call or volunteer fire fighters and reserve police officers
- Section 32:85H 1/2 - Disability retirement compensation in cities, towns or fire districts with no permanent police or fire department members
- Section 32:85I - Creditable service in retirement of certain members
- Section 32:85J - Pensions for policemen and fire fighters or their widows; optional provisions
- Section 32:88 - Payments to dependents of certain persons killed, etc., while aiding police officers, etc
- Section 32:89 - Annuities to dependents of policemen, firemen, etc., killed in performance of duty
- Section 32:89A - Annuities to dependents of public employees killed or dying from injuries in performance of duties
- Section 32:89B - Annuities to dependents of police officers or fire fighters killed in performance of duty
- Section 32:89C - Annuities to widows of employees of cities and towns killed in line of duty
- Section 32:89D - Annuities to widows of employees of cities and towns killed in line of duty
- Section 32:89E - Accidental death benefits for the surviving spouse of a volunteer emergency service provider
- Section 32:90 - Aged police officers not subject to certain laws
- Section 32:90A - Increasing allowance of former employees retired for accidental disability
- Section 32:90B - Waiver of rights to portions of retirement allowance
- Section 32:90C - Increasing allowance of former employees retired on superannuation
- Section 32:90C 1/2 - Increasing allowance of former employees retired with at least 25 years of creditable service
- Section 32:90C 3/4 - Increasing allowance of former state police officers retired after at least 20 years of service
- Section 32:90D - Increasing allowance of former employees retired on ordinary disability
- Section 32:90D 1/2 - Increasing retirement allowance of member of retirement system who has completed at least 25 years of creditable service
- Section 32:90E - Increasing allowance of former employees whose classification has been abolished
- Section 32:90F through 90G 1/2 - [Repealed]
- Section 32:90G 3/4 - [Repealed]
- Section 32:90H and 90I - [Repealed]
- Section 32:90J - Employees age seventy or over; payment of annual physical and mental examination costs; retirement system board and local legislative body approval
- Section 32:91 - Payment of pensioners for services after retirement
- Section 32:91A - Adjusted pension or retirement allowances
- Section 32:91B - Enforcement of sec. 91A; wage reporting system and computer match file
- Section 32:91C - Access to criminal records offender information; comparison with retirement allowances list
- Section 32:92 - Pledge, etc., of interest in pension, etc., void; exception; expense of supporting pensioners becoming public charge
- Section 32:92A - Payments to wives and children of pensioners, etc., residing outside of United States
- Section 32:93 - Certain pensions not affected
- Section 32:94 - Impairment of health caused by hypertension or heart disease, resulting in disability or death of paid fire or police department member; presumption
- Section 32:94A - Disability or death caused by disease of lungs or respiratory tract; paid fire department member; presumption
- Section 32:94B - Disability or death caused by certain conditions of cancer; paid fire member; presumption
- Section 32:95 - Granting annuities by cities and towns to certain officials or employees not entitled to pensions, etc
- Section 32:95A - Annuities to widows and children of retired employees
- Section 32:95B - Annuities to widows and children of retired employees
- Section 32:96 - Increase in certain pensions, etc., by cities, towns, counties and districts
- Section 32:97 - Approval required; annuities or increases in pensions, etc
- Section 32:98 - Advance payments, period of processing application
- Section 32:99 - Advance payments
- Section 32:100 - Pensions to surviving spouses of firefighters, police officers or corrections officers killed in performance of duties
- Section 32:100A - Killed-in-line-of-duty benefits
- Section 32:101 - Allowance to widows of disabled public employees; supplemental annual allowance
- Section 32:102 - Cost-of-living; annual determination of changes; supplemental payments; adjustments in amounts of pensions and annuities
- Section 32:103 - Systems other than state employees' retirement system and teachers' retirement system; cost-of living; funding schedule; annual determination of changes; supplemental payments
- Section 32:104 - Section 401(a)(17) Excess Fund; Section 415 Excess Benefit Fund
- Section 32:105 - Reinstatement in retirement system
- Section 32:106 - Retirement allowance; modification or change