Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 18 § 18A

Current through Chapter 373 of the 2024 Legislative Session, with the exception of Acts not available as of 1/14/2025
Section 18:18A - Failure of custodial parent to cooperate with IV-D agency

The department shall impose the sanction required by federal law for any applicant or recipient of public assistance who fails, without good cause as defined by federal law, to cooperate and to continue to cooperate with the IV-D agency set forth in chapter one hundred and nineteen A to establish paternity or to establish, modify or enforce a child support order. An applicant or recipient may contest such sanction at a hearing before the department, but shall have the burden to prove cooperation with the IV-D agency by a preponderance of the evidence.

The IV-D agency shall determine whether an applicant or recipient has cooperated, and is continuing to cooperate, with the IV-D agency. An applicant or recipient shall be deemed not to have cooperated if the applicant or recipient fails, without such good cause, to furnish a sworn statement setting forth sufficient verifiable information about the noncustodial parent or, if more than one person may be the noncustodial parent, about each such person. Such information shall include the name and the social security number of the noncustodial parent, or the name of the noncustodial parent and at least two of the following items for the noncustodial parent: date of birth; address; telephone number; name and address of employer; names of parents; and the manufacturer, model and license number of any motor vehicle owned by the noncustodial parent. An applicant or recipient who knowingly provides false information to the IV-D agency shall be subject to prosecution for perjury.

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 18, § 18A