Allocations from the Public Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund to the various boards for capital outlay projects shall be determined as follows:
(January 2006) as adjusted annually to reflect increases or decreases in the Consumer Price Index. The department, in conjunction with the Office of Economic and Demographic Research, shall review and adjust the cost per student station limits to reflect actual construction costs by January 1, 2020, and annually thereafter. The adjusted cost per student station shall be used by the department for computation of the statewide average costs per student station for each instructional level pursuant to paragraph (d). The department shall also collaborate with the Office of Economic and Demographic Research to select an industry-recognized construction index to replace the Consumer Price Index by January 1, 2020, adjusted annually to reflect changes in the construction index.
Cost per student station includes contract costs, fees of architects and engineers, and the cost of furniture and equipment. Cost per student station does not include the cost of purchasing or leasing the site for the construction, legal and administrative costs, or the cost of related site or offsite improvements. Cost per student station also does not include the cost for securing entries, checkpoint construction, lighting specifically designed for entry point security, security cameras, automatic locks and locking devices, electronic security systems, fencing designed to prevent intruder entry into a building, bullet-proof glass, or other capital construction items approved by the school safety specialist to ensure building security for new educational, auxiliary, or ancillary facilities.
Fla. Stat. § 1013.64