Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 719.503 - Disclosure prior to sale(1) DEVELOPER DISCLOSURE.-(a)Contents of contracts.-Any contracts for the sale of a unit or a lease thereof for an unexpired term of more than 5 years shall contain: 1. The following legend in conspicuous type: THIS AGREEMENT IS VOIDABLE BY BUYER BY DELIVERING WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE BUYER'S INTENTION TO CANCEL WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT BY THE BUYER, AND RECEIPT BY BUYER OF ALL OF THE ITEMS REQUIRED TO BE DELIVERED TO HIM OR HER BY THE DEVELOPER UNDER SECTION 719.503, FLORIDA STATUTES. THIS AGREEMENT IS ALSO VOIDABLE BY BUYER BY DELIVERING WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE BUYER'S INTENTION TO CANCEL WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF RECEIPT FROM THE DEVELOPER OF ANY AMENDMENT WHICH MATERIALLY ALTERS OR MODIFIES THE OFFERING IN A MANNER THAT IS ADVERSE TO THE BUYER. ANY PURPORTED WAIVER OF THESE VOIDABILITY RIGHTS SHALL BE OF NO EFFECT. BUYER MAY EXTEND THE TIME FOR CLOSING FOR A PERIOD OF NOT MORE THAN 15 DAYS AFTER THE BUYER HAS RECEIVED ALL OF THE ITEMS REQUIRED. BUYER'S RIGHT TO VOID THIS AGREEMENT SHALL TERMINATE AT CLOSING. FIGURES CONTAINED IN ANY BUDGET DELIVERED TO THE BUYER PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COOPERATIVE ACT ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND REPRESENT AN APPROXIMATION OF FUTURE EXPENSES BASED ON FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES EXISTING AT THE TIME OF THE PREPARATION OF THE BUDGET BY THE DEVELOPER. ACTUAL COSTS OF SUCH ITEMS MAY EXCEED THE ESTIMATED COSTS. SUCH CHANGES IN COST DO NOT CONSTITUTE MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGES IN THE OFFERING.2. The following caveat in conspicuous type shall be placed upon the first page of the contract: ORAL REPRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATING THE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DEVELOPER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO THIS CONTRACT AND THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 719.503, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO BE FURNISHED BY A DEVELOPER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE.3. If the unit has been occupied by someone other than the buyer, a statement that the unit has been occupied.4. If the contract is for the sale or transfer of a unit subject to a lease, the contract shall include as an exhibit a copy of the executed lease and shall contain within the text in conspicuous type: THE UNIT IS SUBJECT TO A LEASE (OR SUBLEASE).5. If the contract is for the lease of a unit for a term of 5 years or more, the contract shall include as an exhibit a copy of the proposed lease.6. If the contract is for the sale or lease of a unit that is subject to a lien for rent payable under a lease of a recreational facility or other common areas, the contract shall contain within the text the following statement in conspicuous type: THIS CONTRACT IS FOR THE TRANSFER OF A UNIT THAT IS SUBJECT TO A LIEN FOR RENT PAYABLE UNDER A LEASE OF COMMON AREAS. FAILURE TO PAY RENT MAY RESULT IN FORECLOSURE OF THE LIEN.7. The contract shall state the name and address of the escrow agent required by s. 719.202 and shall state that the purchaser may obtain a receipt for his or her deposit from the escrow agent, upon request.8. If the contract is for the sale or transfer of a unit in a cooperative in which timeshare estates have been or may be created, the following text in conspicuous type: UNITS IN THIS COOPERATIVE ARE SUBJECT TO TIMESHARE ESTATES. The contract for the sale of a timeshare estate must also contain, in conspicuous type, the following: FOR THE PURPOSE OF AD VALOREM TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED BY TAXING AUTHORITIES AGAINST A TIMESHARE ESTATE, THE MANAGING ENTITY IS GENERALLY CONSIDERED THE TAXPAYER UNDER FLORIDA LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHALLENGE AN ASSESSMENT BY A TAXING AUTHORITY RELATING TO YOUR TIMESHARE ESTATE PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 194, FLORIDA STATUTES.(b)Copies of documents to be furnished to prospective buyer or lessee.-Until such time as the developer has furnished the documents listed below to a person who has entered into a contract to purchase a unit or lease it for more than 5 years, the contract may be voided by that person, entitling the person to a refund of any deposit together with interest thereon as provided in s. 719.202. The contract may be terminated by written notice from the proposed buyer or lessee delivered to the developer within 15 days after the buyer or lessee receives all of the documents required by this section. The developer may not close for 15 days after the execution of the agreement and delivery of the documents to the buyer as evidenced by a receipt for documents signed by the buyer unless the buyer is informed in the 15-day voidability period and agrees to close before the expiration of the 15 days. The developer shall retain in his or her records a separate signed agreement as proof of the buyer's agreement to close before the expiration of the voidability period. The developer must retain such proof for a period of 5 years after the date of the closing transaction. The documents to be delivered to the prospective buyer are the prospectus or disclosure statement with all exhibits, if the development is subject to s. 719.504, or, if not, then copies of the following which are applicable: 1. The question and answer sheet described in s. 719.504, and cooperative documents, or the proposed cooperative documents if the documents have not been recorded, which shall include the certificate of a surveyor approximately representing the locations required by s. 719.104.2. The documents creating the association.4. The ground lease or other underlying lease of the cooperative.5. The management contract, maintenance contract, and other contracts for management of the association and operation of the cooperative and facilities used by the unit owners having a service term in excess of 1 year, and any management contracts that are renewable.6. The estimated operating budget for the cooperative and a schedule of expenses for each type of unit, including fees assessed to a shareholder who has exclusive use of limited common areas, where such costs are shared only by those entitled to use such limited common areas.7. The lease of recreational and other facilities that will be used only by unit owners of the subject cooperative.8. The lease of recreational and other common areas that will be used by unit owners in common with unit owners of other cooperatives.9. The form of unit lease if the offer is of a leasehold.10. Any declaration of servitude of properties serving the cooperative but not owned by unit owners or leased to them or the association.11. If the development is to be built in phases or if the association is to manage more than one cooperative, a description of the plan of phase development or the arrangements for the association to manage two or more cooperatives.12. If the cooperative is a conversion of existing improvements, the statements and disclosure required by s. 719.616.13. The form of agreement for sale or lease of units.14. A copy of the floor plan of the unit and the plot plan showing the location of the residential buildings and the recreation and other common areas.15. A copy of all covenants and restrictions that will affect the use of the property and are not contained in the foregoing.16. If the developer is required by state or local authorities to obtain acceptance or approval of any dock or marina facilities intended to serve the cooperative, a copy of any such acceptance or approval acquired by the time of filing with the division pursuant to s. 719.502(1) or a statement that such acceptance or approval has not been acquired or received.17. Evidence demonstrating that the developer has an ownership, leasehold, or contractual interest in the land upon which the cooperative is to be developed.18. A copy of the inspector-prepared summary of the milestone inspection report as described in s. 553.899, or a statement in conspicuous type indicating that the required milestone inspection described in s. 553.899 has not been completed or that a milestone inspection is not required, as applicable.19. A copy of the most recent structural integrity reserve study or a statement in conspicuous type indicating that a required structural integrity reserve study has not been completed or that a structural integrity reserve study is not required, as applicable.20. A copy of the turnover inspection report described in s. 719.301(4)(p) and (q) or a statement in conspicuous type indicating that a turnover inspection report has not been completed, as applicable.(c)Subsequent estimates; when provided.-If the closing on a contract occurs more than 12 months after the filing of the offering circular with the division, the developer shall provide a copy of the current estimated operating budget of the association to the buyer at closing, which shall not be considered an amendment that modifies the offering, provided any changes to the association's budget from the budget given to the buyer at the time of contract signing were the result of matters beyond the developer's control. Changes in budgets of any master association, recreation association, or club and similar budgets for entities other than the association shall likewise not be considered amendments that modify the offering. It is the intent of this paragraph to clarify existing law.(d)Milestone inspection, turnover inspection report, or structural integrity reserve study.-If the association is required to have completed a milestone inspection as described in s. 553.899, a turnover inspection report for a turnover inspection performed on or after July 1, 2023, or a structural integrity reserve study, and the association has not completed the milestone inspection, the turnover inspection report, or the structural integrity reserve study, each contract entered into after December 31, 2024, for the sale of a residential unit shall contain in conspicuous type a statement indicating that the association is required to have a milestone inspection, a turnover inspection report, or a structural integrity reserve study and has not completed such inspection, report, or study, as appropriate. If the association is not required to have a milestone inspection as described in s. 553.899 or a structural integrity reserve study, each contract entered into after December 31, 2024, for the sale of a residential unit shall contain in conspicuous type a statement indicating that the association is not required to have a milestone inspection or a structural integrity reserve study, as appropriate. If the association has completed a milestone inspection as described in s. 553.899, a turnover inspection report for a turnover inspection performed on or after July 1, 2023, or a structural integrity reserve study, each contract entered into after December 31, 2024, for the sale of a residential unit shall contain in conspicuous type: 1. A clause which states: THE BUYER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BUYER HAS BEEN PROVIDED A CURRENT COPY OF THE INSPECTOR-PREPARED SUMMARY OF THE MILESTONE INSPECTION REPORT AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 553.899, FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE; A COPY OF THE TURNOVER INSPECTION REPORT DESCRIBED IN SECTION 719.301(4)(p) AND (q), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE; AND A COPY OF THE ASSOCIATION'S MOST RECENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY RESERVE STUDY DESCRIBED IN SECTIONS 719.103(24) AND 719.106(1)(k), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE, MORE THAN 15 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF THIS CONTRACT; and2. A clause which states: THIS AGREEMENT IS VOIDABLE BY BUYER BY DELIVERING WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE BUYER'S INTENTION TO CANCEL WITHIN 15 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, AFTER THE DATE OF EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT BY THE BUYER AND RECEIPT BY BUYER OF A CURRENT COPY OF THE INSPECTOR-PREPARED SUMMARY OF THE MILESTONE INSPECTION REPORT AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 553.899, FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE; A COPY OF THE TURNOVER INSPECTION REPORT DESCRIBED IN SECTION 719.301(4)(p) AND (q), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE; AND A COPY OF THE ASSOCIATION'S MOST RECENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY RESERVE STUDY DESCRIBED IN SECTIONS 719.103(24) AND 719.106(1)(k), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE. ANY PURPORTED WAIVER OF THESE VOIDABILITY RIGHTS SHALL BE OF NO EFFECT. BUYER MAY EXTEND THE TIME FOR CLOSING FOR A PERIOD OF NOT MORE THAN 15 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, AFTER THE BUYER RECEIVES A CURRENT COPY OF THE INSPECTOR-PREPARED SUMMARY OF THE MILESTONE INSPECTION REPORT AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 553.899, FLORIDA STATUTES; A COPY OF THE TURNOVER INSPECTION REPORT DESCRIBED IN SECTION 719.301(4)(p) AND (q), FLORIDA STATUTES; OR A COPY OF THE ASSOCIATION'S MOST RECENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY RESERVE STUDY DESCRIBED IN SECTIONS 719.103(24) AND 719.106(1)(k), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF REQUESTED IN WRITING. BUYER'S RIGHT TO VOID THIS AGREEMENT SHALL TERMINATE AT CLOSING. A contract that does not conform to the requirements of this paragraph is voidable at the option of the purchaser prior to closing.
(2) NONDEVELOPER DISCLOSURE.-(a) Each unit owner who is not a developer as defined by this chapter must comply with this subsection before the sale of his or her interest in the association. Each prospective purchaser who has entered into a contract for the purchase of an interest in a cooperative is entitled, at the seller's expense, to a current copy of all of the following:1. The articles of incorporation of the association.2. The bylaws and rules of the association.3. A copy of the question and answer sheet as provided in s. 719.504.4. A copy of the inspector-prepared summary of the milestone inspection report as described in s. 553.899, if applicable.5. A copy of the association's most recent structural integrity reserve study or a statement that the association has not completed a structural integrity reserve study.6. A copy of the inspection report described in s. 719.301(4)(p) and (q) for a turnover inspection performed on or after July 1, 2023.(b) If a person licensed under part I of chapter 475 provides to or otherwise obtains for a prospective purchaser the documents described in this subsection, the person is not liable for any error or inaccuracy contained in the documents.(c) Each contract entered into after July 1, 1992, for the resale of an interest in a cooperative shall contain in conspicuous type either:1. A clause which states: THE BUYER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BUYER HAS BEEN PROVIDED A CURRENT COPY OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE ASSOCIATION, BYLAWS, RULES OF THE ASSOCIATION, AND THE QUESTION AND ANSWER SHEET MORE THAN 3 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF THIS CONTRACT; or2. A clause which states: THIS AGREEMENT IS VOIDABLE BY BUYER BY DELIVERING WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE BUYER'S INTENTION TO CANCEL WITHIN 3 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, AFTER THE DATE OF EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT BY THE BUYER AND RECEIPT BY BUYER OF A CURRENT COPY OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS, AND RULES OF THE ASSOCIATION, AND QUESTION AND ANSWER SHEET, IF SO REQUESTED IN WRITING. ANY PURPORTED WAIVER OF THESE VOIDABILITY RIGHTS SHALL BE OF NO EFFECT. BUYER MAY EXTEND THE TIME FOR CLOSING FOR A PERIOD OF NOT MORE THAN 3 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, AFTER THE BUYER RECEIVES THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS, RULES, AND QUESTION AND ANSWER SHEET, IF REQUESTED IN WRITING. BUYER'S RIGHT TO VOID THIS AGREEMENT SHALL TERMINATE AT CLOSING. A contract that does not conform to the requirements of this paragraph is voidable at the option of the purchaser prior to closing.
(d) If the association is required to have completed a milestone inspection as described in s. 553.899, a turnover inspection report for a turnover inspection performed on or after July 1, 2023, or a structural integrity reserve study, and the association has not completed the milestone inspection, the turnover inspection report, or the structural integrity reserve study, each contract entered into after December 31, 2024, for the sale of a residential unit shall contain in conspicuous type a statement indicating that the association is required to have a milestone inspection, a turnover inspection report, or a structural integrity reserve study and has not completed such inspection, report, or study, as appropriate. If the association is not required to have a milestone inspection as described in s. 553.899 or a structural integrity reserve study, each contract entered into after December 31, 2024, for the sale of a residential unit shall contain in conspicuous type a statement indicating that the association is not required to have a milestone inspection or a structural integrity reserve study, as appropriate. If the association has completed a milestone inspection as described in s. 553.899, a turnover inspection report for a turnover inspection performed on or after July 1, 2023, or a structural integrity reserve study, each contract entered into after December 31, 2024, for the resale of a residential unit shall contain in conspicuous type: 1. A clause which states: THE BUYER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BUYER HAS BEEN PROVIDED A CURRENT COPY OF THE INSPECTOR-PREPARED SUMMARY OF THE MILESTONE INSPECTION REPORT AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 553.899, FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE; A COPY OF THE TURNOVER INSPECTION REPORT DESCRIBED IN SECTION 719.301(4)(p) AND (q), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE; AND A COPY OF THE ASSOCIATION'S MOST RECENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY RESERVE STUDY DESCRIBED IN SECTIONS 719.103(24) AND 719.106(1)(k), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE, MORE THAN 3 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, PRIOR TO EXECUTION OF THIS CONTRACT; and2. A clause which states: THIS AGREEMENT IS VOIDABLE BY BUYER BY DELIVERING WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE BUYER'S INTENTION TO CANCEL WITHIN 3 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, AFTER THE DATE OF EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT BY THE BUYER AND RECEIPT BY BUYER OF A CURRENT COPY OF THE INSPECTOR-PREPARED SUMMARY OF THE MILESTONE INSPECTION REPORT AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 553.899, FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE; A COPY OF THE TURNOVER INSPECTION REPORT DESCRIBED IN SECTION 719.301(4)(p) AND (q), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE; AND A COPY OF THE ASSOCIATION'S MOST RECENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY RESERVE STUDY DESCRIBED IN SECTIONS 719.103(24) AND 719.106(1)(k), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF APPLICABLE. ANY PURPORTED WAIVER OF THESE VOIDABILITY RIGHTS SHALL BE OF NO EFFECT. BUYER MAY EXTEND THE TIME FOR CLOSING FOR A PERIOD OF NOT MORE THAN 3 DAYS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS, AFTER THE BUYER RECEIVES A CURRENT COPY OF THE INSPECTOR-PREPARED SUMMARY OF THE MILESTONE INSPECTION REPORT AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 553.899, FLORIDA STATUTES; A COPY OF THE TURNOVER INSPECTION REPORT DESCRIBED IN SECTION 719.301(4)(p) AND (q), FLORIDA STATUTES; OR A COPY OF THE ASSOCIATION'S MOST RECENT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY RESERVE STUDY DESCRIBED IN SECTIONS 719.103(24) AND 719.106(1)(k), FLORIDA STATUTES, IF REQUESTED IN WRITING. BUYER'S RIGHT TO VOID THIS AGREEMENT SHALL TERMINATE AT CLOSING. A contract that does not conform to the requirements of this paragraph is voidable at the option of the purchaser prior to closing.
(3) OTHER DISCLOSURE.-(a) If cooperative parcels are offered for sale or lease prior to completion of construction of the units and of improvements to the common areas, or prior to completion of remodeling of previously occupied buildings, the developer shall make available to each prospective purchaser or lessee, for his or her inspection at a place convenient to the site, a copy of the complete plans and specifications for the construction or remodeling of the unit offered to him or her and of the improvements to the common areas appurtenant to the unit.(b) Sales brochures, if any, shall be provided to each purchaser, and the following caveat in conspicuous type shall be placed on the inside front cover or on the first page containing text material of the sales brochure, or otherwise conspicuously displayed: ORAL REPRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATING REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DEVELOPER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, MAKE REFERENCE TO THIS BROCHURE AND TO THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 719.503, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO BE FURNISHED BY A DEVELOPER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE. If timeshare estates have been or may be created with respect to any unit in the cooperative, the sales brochure for sales of timeshare estates in such units must contain the following statement in conspicuous type: UNITS IN THIS COOPERATIVE ARE SUBJECT TO TIMESHARE ESTATES.s. 2, ch. 76-222; s. 1, ch. 77-174; s. 12, ch. 79-284; s. 10, ch. 80-3; s. 34, ch. 86-175; s. 30, ch. 92-49; s.886, ch. 97-102; s. 15, ch. 98-322; s. 6, ch. 2000-302; s. 14, ch. 2007-80; s.18, ch. 2022-269; s.16, ch. 2023-203.Amended by 2023 Fla. Laws, ch. 203,s 16, eff. 6/9/2023.Amended by 2022 Fla. Laws, ch. 269, s 18, eff. 5/26/2022.