Fla. Stat. § 63.037
A case in which a minor becomes available for adoption after the parental rights of each parent have been terminated by a judgment entered pursuant to chapter 39 shall be governed by s. 39.812 and this chapter. Adoption proceedings initiated under chapter 39 are exempt from the following provisions of this chapter: requirement for search of the Florida Putative Father Registry provided in s. 63.054(7), if a search was previously completed and documentation of the search is contained in the case file; disclosure requirements for the adoption entity provided in s. 63.085(1); general provisions governing termination of parental rights pending adoption provided in s. 63.087; notice and service provisions governing termination of parental rights pending adoption provided in s. 63.088; and procedures for terminating parental rights pending adoption provided in s. 63.089.
Fla. Stat. § 63.037