Section 50-2301.05 - Monetary sanctions and fees(a) The maximum monetary sanctions that may be imposed under this chapter shall be as follows: (1) The civil fine for an infraction shall be an amount equal to the collateral or bond established for the offense, equivalent to the infraction, by the Board of Judges of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia on the day before September 12, 1978. The Mayor may issue proposed rules, pursuant to subchapter I of Chapter 5 of Title 2 [§ 2-501 et seq.], to propose changes to the schedule of fines. The proposed rules shall be submitted to the Council for a 45-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sunday, legal holidays, and days of Council recess. If the Council does not approve or disapprove the proposed rules by resolution within this 45-day review period, the proposed rules shall be deemed approved. Notwithstanding §§ 2-505(c), the Mayor may not amend the schedule of fines until the Council has approved the proposed rules or the proposed rules have been deemed approved.(2) In addition to the civil fine, the following penalties may be imposed: (A) In the case of a person receiving a notice of infraction who fails to answer such notice within the time specified by §§ 50-2302.05(d)(1) and 50-2303.05(d)(1), a penalty equal to the amount of the civil fine;(B) In the case of a person receiving a notice of infraction who fails to answer such notice by the close of business on the date set for the hearing or who answers but fails without good cause to appear at such hearing, with respect to infractions under subchapter II of this chapter, a penalty equal to twice the amount of the civil fine and, with respect to infractions under subchapter III of this chapter, a penalty equal to the amount of the civil fine plus $5.(b) A respondent may pay such fines and penalties by use of credit cards approved by the Director.(c) The Director may permit, in his or her sole discretion, persons owing substantial fines, fees or charges to the Department to pay the amounts owed in installments at intervals as the Director may decide; and(d) The Director may collect a fee for the filing of an appeal pursuant to § 50-1404.02.Sept. 12, 1978, D.C. Law 2-104, § 105, 25 DCR 1275; Aug. 1, 1985, D.C. Law 6-15, § 9, 32 DCR 3570; Apr. 27, 2001, D.C. Law 13-289, § 302(c), 48 DCR 2057; Sept. 20, 2012, D.C. Law 19-168, § 1054(b)[c], 59 DCR 8025; May 1, 2013, D.C. Law 19-307, § 106, 60 DCR 2753; July 23, 2014, D.C. Law 20-127, § 3(b), 61 DCR 5711; Oct. 30, 2018, D.C.Law 22-175, § 2(a), 65 DCR 9546.Snow Emergency Fine Increase Resolution of 1998: Pursuant to Resolution PR 12-998, deemed approved on November 28, 1998, the Council approved a proposed rule, transmitted to the Council by the Mayor, which amended Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, sections 2600.1 and 2601.1, to increase fines for violations of snow emergency rules.
Applicability of D.C. Law 19-307: Section 401(a) of D.C. Law 19-307 provided that the 2013 amendment to this section shall apply as of May 1, 2013.
Section 5 of D.C. Law 20-127, as amended by D.C. Law 20-155, § 7009, provided that the act shall apply as of October 1, 2014.
Applicability of D.C.Law 22-175: § 3 of D.C.Law 22-175 provided that the change made to this section by § 2(a) of D.C.Law 22-175 is subject to the inclusion of the law's fiscal effect in an approved budget and financial plan. Therefore that amendment has not been implemented.
Compulsory/no-fault motor vehicle insurance, crimes and offenses, penalties and hearing procedures, see § 31-2413. Motor vehicle operators' permits, operation of vehicle by person with expired permit, penalties, see § 50-1401.01.